Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
I just played again for the first time in a while today and the passive gold gain still isn't fixed, and everyone seems completely oblivious or indifferent to it. Can anyone fix it? I'm not familiar with making maps, but I feel like it should be a simple fix to make. Am I the only person thinking it's kind of a big deal?
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Letbell wrote:I think putting ap mode should fix the 4 gp/sec.
Or any non-em mode.
But the bots are em, and non-em doesn't seem to be an option for the majority of players...
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Well it really looks like absolutely nobody cares. I guess we'll all just do nothing and pretend nothing happened.
Double the passive gold gain for no reason, no one bats an eye. Cut it in half (aka the real game) and everyone loses their mind. What a world.
Double the passive gold gain for no reason, no one bats an eye. Cut it in half (aka the real game) and everyone loses their mind. What a world.
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Sylvanas wrote:Well it really looks like absolutely nobody cares. I guess we'll all just do nothing and pretend nothing happened.
Double the passive gold gain for no reason, no one bats an eye. Cut it in half (aka the real game) and everyone loses their mind. What a world.
Watch a bear running with radiance only and noone cares
Watch an invoker attempting to do the same and look at the result: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=127835
Jackpot! XD
PS: Honestly i woulnd't mind non -em, as i'm getting used to it due to DotA 2, but it's like you say: the minute you suggest it and it gets approved, you'll see the shitshow happening all over again (if you recall what happened the last time it got removed :p)
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Zeratul wrote:Watch an invoker attempting to do the same and look at the result: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=127835
Jackpot! XD
PS: Honestly i woulnd't mind non -em, as i'm getting used to it due to DotA 2, but it's like you say: the minute you suggest it and it gets approved, you'll see the shitshow happening all over again (if you recall what happened the last time it got removed :p)
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Can anyone with some map making knowledge explain to me how cutting passive gold gain back down in half is a fucking impossible task that no one dares to attempt? This is ridiculous as hell.
Can anyone with some map making knowledge explain to me how cutting passive gold gain back down in half is a fucking impossible task that no one dares to attempt? This is ridiculous as hell.
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Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
The task is not impossible and has nothing to do with the map makers.
All you have to do is remove EM from AP or AR when hosting games. But....
Best to just focus on the positive note here. Games are more challenging. More experienced players already know how to last hit and farm. It is only the noobs with 30cs per game who benefit from this. This way they can actually get their items regardless, and make the games more challenging for us. I actually had a discussion about this with nabo back in the day, and this was our conclusion.
PS: The game was never intended to be played with this EM mode. When the gold increase came about, it was a change intended for dota 2 that doesn't have EM. It was the first time the maps for Dota 1 and 2 weren't released at the same time. And marked the beginning of the end for dota 1. I suspect that the removal of EM from the map was either overlooked or they simply didn't care.
All you have to do is remove EM from AP or AR when hosting games. But....
Zeratul wrote:the minute you suggest it and it gets approved, you'll see the shitshow happening all over again (if you recall what happened the last time it got removed :p)
Best to just focus on the positive note here. Games are more challenging. More experienced players already know how to last hit and farm. It is only the noobs with 30cs per game who benefit from this. This way they can actually get their items regardless, and make the games more challenging for us. I actually had a discussion about this with nabo back in the day, and this was our conclusion.
PS: The game was never intended to be played with this EM mode. When the gold increase came about, it was a change intended for dota 2 that doesn't have EM. It was the first time the maps for Dota 1 and 2 weren't released at the same time. And marked the beginning of the end for dota 1. I suspect that the removal of EM from the map was either overlooked or they simply didn't care.
Vipassana: to see things as they really are. This meditation was rediscovered by Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills. This technique aims for the total eradication of mental impurities and the resultant highest happiness of full liberation
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
I could do it; it's not hard. But I don't think ENT wants this.
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
EdgeOfChaos wrote:It's not a hard mapmaking change. I could do it. But I don't think ENT wants this.
ENT (the games hosting service) will have to switch to it when requested, since it's not even a change, it's just a glitch fix. Nobody cares what ENT (the community) thinks of it.
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Last edited by Sylvanas on Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Sylvanas wrote:ENT (the games hosting service) will have to switch to it when requested, since it's not even a change, it's just a glitch fix. Nobody cares what ENT (the community) thinks of it.
Altho i understand what you mean, believing that ENT will 'blindly' approve anything just cause its a glitch fix is a bad idea But yeah, if you can fix the 4g/sec to the normal 2g/sec while keeping the current -em, i see no reason for it to be denied (removing -em is a whole different story)
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Zeratul wrote:Altho i understand what you mean, believing that ENT will 'blindly' approve anything just cause its a glitch fix is a bad idea But yeah, if you can fix the 4g/sec to the normal 2g/sec while keeping the current -em, i see no reason for it to be denied (removing -em is a whole different story)
What do you mean by bad idea? I think it's both a good idea and also a truthful one. I'm pretty sure a glitch fix version to any map currently being hosted will inevitably be approved.
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
Try out this map @sylvanas https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmmpsnthrqd9r ... x.w3x?dl=0
it was 5 min work, typing out this description took longer than doing it, but still don't expect ENT to autohost it, the plebs will riot
I am going to describe the technical details so that people can understand and do it yourself if you so want to. And maybe give you an understanding of wc3/dota code if you care at all.
First thing: extracted .j file, opened in JASSCraft.
The goal is changing the gold timer to provide gold more slowly, since it's too fast right now. I started by searching for anything that adds gold to the player (PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) but there were a shitload of them and none that gave 2 or 1 gold directly. Next approach: search for timers. Gave no leads. I guess I am dumb and didn't think to search for periodic triggers, so I did the following instead:
I know that EM changes the value of gold gained, so finding the switch for EM mode should show exactly where the gold gain changes from 2 to 1, and therefore get me the gold gain trigger.
String array WB2 stores each mode string WB2[15] is the slot for easy mode. When -(something) is entered as a mode, WB2 is iterated over by this loop.
-> checks if mode WB2[z] is entered for all z. If it is, WC2[z] switch set to true, and a lot more stuff happens I have no idea about. But WC2[z] is the part that matters, so WC2[15] is the switch controlling easy mode.
From there we get this declaration
Now variable EM is the switch controlling easy mode
From there, this function is called
The code of function PMI is simple.
-> Calls the function specified as first argument if boolean passed in is true.
Now we go to function X42 which is called when EM is active.
So we see here is where EM gives the bonus xp (50% bonus). Three commands I have no idea about yet: what R0 is, what research 1378889780 is, and what research 1378889780 is. Based on the fact that those 2 researches apply to the computer players, it would seem those are responsible for lowering tower damage. Therefore the last option to find gold gain trigger is this R0.
Finally leading us to this function. This is the trigger that grants gold gain.
Very well, almost done. Now we perform a search on function U31 to find the timer that grants gold.
Here we see that it triggers every 0.6 seconds. We change this to 1.0 seconds.
Also this means that technically it wasn't 4 gold per sec, it was 3.3333 gold per sec. not that it really matters.
it was 5 min work, typing out this description took longer than doing it, but still don't expect ENT to autohost it, the plebs will riot
I am going to describe the technical details so that people can understand and do it yourself if you so want to. And maybe give you an understanding of wc3/dota code if you care at all.
First thing: extracted .j file, opened in JASSCraft.
The goal is changing the gold timer to provide gold more slowly, since it's too fast right now. I started by searching for anything that adds gold to the player (PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) but there were a shitload of them and none that gave 2 or 1 gold directly. Next approach: search for timers. Gave no leads. I guess I am dumb and didn't think to search for periodic triggers, so I did the following instead:
I know that EM changes the value of gold gained, so finding the switch for EM mode should show exactly where the gold gain changes from 2 to 1, and therefore get me the gold gain trigger.
String array WB2 stores each mode string WB2[15] is the slot for easy mode. When -(something) is entered as a mode, WB2 is iterated over by this loop.
Code: Select all
exitwhen z>WD2
if WB2[z]==SubString(DC2,x,y)then
set WC2[z]=true
set z=WD2+1
set DC2=W22(DC2,x,y)
set x=-1
set FQ1=StringLength(DC2)
set y=FQ1
set z=z+1
-> checks if mode WB2[z] is entered for all z. If it is, WC2[z] switch set to true, and a lot more stuff happens I have no idea about. But WC2[z] is the part that matters, so WC2[15] is the switch controlling easy mode.
From there we get this declaration
Code: Select all
set EM=WC2[15]
Now variable EM is the switch controlling easy mode
From there, this function is called
Code: Select all
call PMI("X42",EM)
The code of function PMI is simple.
Code: Select all
function PMI takes string PNI,boolean PSI returns nothing
if PSI then
call ExecuteFunc(PNI)
-> Calls the function specified as first argument if boolean passed in is true.
Now we go to function X42 which is called when EM is active.
Code: Select all
function X42 takes nothing returns nothing
set R0=true
call SetPlayerTechResearched(BO[0],1378889780,1)
call SetPlayerTechResearched(CO[0],1378889780,1)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(BO[1],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(BO[2],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(BO[3],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(BO[4],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(BO[5],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(CO[1],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(CO[2],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(CO[3],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(CO[4],1.5)
call SetPlayerHandicapXP(CO[5],1.5)
So we see here is where EM gives the bonus xp (50% bonus). Three commands I have no idea about yet: what R0 is, what research 1378889780 is, and what research 1378889780 is. Based on the fact that those 2 researches apply to the computer players, it would seem those are responsible for lowering tower damage. Therefore the last option to find gold gain trigger is this R0.
Finally leading us to this function. This is the trigger that grants gold gain.
Code: Select all
function U31 takes nothing returns boolean
local integer ROI=1
if R0 then
set ROI=2
return false
Very well, almost done. Now we perform a search on function U31 to find the timer that grants gold.
Code: Select all
set EW0=CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(EW0,0.6,true)
call TriggerAddCondition(EW0,Condition(function U31))
Here we see that it triggers every 0.6 seconds. We change this to 1.0 seconds.
Also this means that technically it wasn't 4 gold per sec, it was 3.3333 gold per sec. not that it really matters.
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
OK, it works, thanks. Should I suggest this map now? Or would you prefer doing it?
Re: Uh... Can anyone do something about the 4 gold per second?
You can; I don't particularly care about the change one way or another tbh :d
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