[DOTA] f.uckbara @ Europe VK abuse 3 times, toxic player

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[DOTA] f.uckbara @ Europe VK abuse 3 times, toxic player

Postby T_aSTeR666 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:51 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=10860972.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #84
Your Warcraft III Username: T_aSTeR026
Violator's Warcraft III Username: f.uckbara @ Europe, kick.kor @ US East, felson @ US East
Violated Rule(s): VK abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 2:00, 9:40, 14:10
Any further thoughts:
f.uckBARA abuses VK 3 times on me, none of the deaths were intentional obviously. He also flames throughout whole game, and doesn't help team at all towards end, just runs around invis. Proceeds to go afk as well, just a very toxic player that ruined the game.
Kick.kor and Felson from the other team both voted twice each for absolutely no reason at 2:00 and 9:40. At the 9:40 mark my KDR was 4-5, but clearly I was feeding on purpose? Lol.

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Re: [DOTA] f.uckbara @ Europe VK abuse 3 times, toxic player

Postby BeerLord » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:34 pm

(03:28 / All) T_aSTeR016: A votekick against player [T_aSTeR016] has been started by player [f.uckBARA].
votekick is abusive.
(03:33 / Allied) Kick.kor: !yes
(03:47 / Allied) Felson: !yes
(03:47 / Allied) blankname: !yes
(03:47 / All) T_aSTeR016: Player [f.uckBARA] is saving the game.
(04:11 / All) f.uckBARA: !timestamp feeding intentionally twice in less than 3 mins
This is a lie attempting to decieve other players into voting. There is no evidence the deaths were intentional.
(11:09 / All) T_aSTeR016: A votekick against player [T_aSTeR016] has been started by player [f.uckBARA].
votekick is abusive.
(11:34 / Allied) Felson: !yes
(11:39 / Allied) Kick.kor: !yes
(15:38 / All) T_aSTeR016: A votekick against player [T_aSTeR016] has been started by player [f.uckBARA].
this is also abusive.
f.uckbara is banned 3 days for votekick abuse/pause-save abuse/lying to deceive other players into voting.

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