ban by rangequit

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ban by rangequit

Postby LetzRockitHard » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:26 pm

Your Warcraft III username: LetzRockitHard
Realm/Gateway: Northend Europe
Why are you banned: Rangequit Admin falenga TIP 122911
Why you should be unbanned: I lost my connection while I played Legion TD with ENT-Bot. Now Im banned for more than 1 year :shock: I play with ENT-Bot a long time and my stayrate (in my stats) is more than 90 procent. Im not a Leaver, plz unban me.
I play only with that Name

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Re: ban by rangequit

Postby FalenGa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:46 pm

Hello @LetzRockitHard ,

As you noted above, you've been caught in a range ban.

A range ban is a ban on a specific set of IPs, placed to prevent ban dodgers from further dodging their bans.

As an innocent user, our procedure is to add one of your accounts to our whitelist. While you're playing on the whitelisted account, our range bans won't affect you.

Keep in mind you can only have one account whitelisted at all times, and you're eligible for a change once every two months.

I took the liberty to add to the whitelist. However, if that's not the account you want whitelisted, please let me know and i will change it.

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