amnon obv just ban for the fun

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amnon obv just ban for the fun

Postby Parkoe » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:30 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Parkoe
Realm/Gateway: Eu west
Why are you banned: FF abuse !?
Why you should be unbanned: Because i didn't wanna play the game duo to our rolls.. That 2 people agreed can't seriously be bannable.. Not like we boosted anyone, and we didn't discuss it.. but sometimes the odds are just against you.. if we were 3 premade you might consider this, but obv im not friends with either of them, and none of us forced anyone to ff.. If you think that 3 votes isn't sufficient, the ff rule should be changed.. so 100% needs to ff for the game to be over..

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Re: amnon obv just ban for the fun

Postby AmnoN » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:41 pm

@parkoe Please read the rules and then copy and paste the ones that you broke. I am not going to ask again - your attitude is completely unnecessary and it was a very clear cut ban.

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Re: amnon obv just ban for the fun

Postby Parkoe » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:55 pm

i've read the rules @amnon. I dissagree that its a clear ban, thats why i want you to explain how its !ff abuse.. ff abuse isn't explained, so if you seriusly think this is a rightfull ban, then explain it for me..
Funny how you think that all replys to your bans is "your attitude is completely unnecessary", i didn't call you anything, flame or etc.? i simply stated you ban for no reason. This isn't personal and i have nothing against you, but simple when !ff abuse isn't explained, and you think its viable for a 3 day ban, at least explain the reason.
- Any form of votekick and !ff abuse.

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Re: amnon obv just ban for the fun

Postby AmnoN » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:33 pm

@parkoe The purpose of this process is understanding why you are banned and what you did wrong. I do not use that too often but happen to come across a lot of people who complain about being banned as if it is not their fault and attempt to push blame onto others as opposed to understanding what they did wrong.

!ff abuse should be incredibly obvious - the purpose of !ff is to forfeit if the game is unwinnable which was certainly not the case here. Instead of trying to understand the rule, you are claiming that you are not at fault.

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Re: amnon obv just ban for the fun

Postby Haunt » Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:43 pm

Ban expired.

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