Idea for a Titan... That builds?

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Idea for a Titan... That builds?

Postby SCORPEANrtd » Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:51 am

So I quickly threw out this suggestion in the discord, and got a decent interest in it. Although i'm not much of an ID fan myself (as such I won't give gold costs/rewards), here's my more expanded idea. Feel free to make changes/suggestions as you see fit, just pitching my idea. Make sure you're able to see the images provided.

Titan Name: *Placeholder*
Mini Names: *Placeholder*

QWED and Ult are all placeholders, I have no suggestion for what to make them tbh

His Unique (if possible to code in this way) would allow him to build certain structures (levels would increase what he can build, if possible):

Walls. My idea is to go with the left walls, and being able to upgrade them once. Although another option would be the right model. Perhaps that could be a further upgrade/building? Perhaps the walls could deal damage back to their attackers when hit (similar to thorns). Additionally, perhaps (if possible) there can be an ability they can use, that allows them to go 'ethereal' so that they can be walked through. (allowing Titan to have a base he can enter and exit, as well as allowing him to block sections of the map from enemies, while still being able to go through them on his own)

Sentry Tower. can be upgraded. Perhaps the base tower can have a good, unobstructed sight range, and the upgrade can have truesight (or perhaps both can have truesight and the upgraded one can have longer range). Deals no damage.

Earthbound Tower. Could slow enemies in an area around it and/or Give nearby allies armor. (perhaps it could also give slow HP regen to nearby ally buildings, especially since I don't think Titan should, or could have a repair ability)

Frost Towers. They would have an actual attack, but it would deal minimal damage, dealing only 1 damage each attack. Their attacks would slow the target's movement and attack speed. (Perhaps upgraded version could have splash as well as an improved attack/slow)

Death/Decay tower? *Name is sorta a placeholder* First idea is that this tower would cost a significant amount, and pack a punch (maybe a slow but strong 100-300 damage? or something like that) Second idea is that it could have an aura that reduces armor of nearby enemy units and or buildings.

Arcane Vault/Moneymaker. Generates a slow but steady income. (And perhaps actually sells items to the titan?) Gives decent/large bounty to builders when killed. If not using the right model for walls, you could perhaps have 2 types. The [left] could be an expensive building that generates income slowly (but in large quantity?), be somewhat tanky, and (if applying this suggestion) sells items. The [right] could be far far cheaper, be easy to break (therefore risky), and provide a more constant stream of income, but low amounts.

Like I said, I don't play much ID, and i'm not very good at it, so I don't know how to balance anything, especially an idea like this. I think that a Titan like this, with the ability to build (but generally being weaker than his other counterparts) would give quite a unique experience to those playing him, and those playing against him. It would encourage more of a 'cat and mouse' sort of play style, as well as more risk reward. Would it be better for the builders to just gold? or seek out a "moneybox" full of gold. Should the titan spend money to make money, and keep a close eye to defend. Or just pop up towers to scout/disable/etc.
A few additional thoughts. Since the Titan could theoretically block off the middle (preventing golding), perhaps the mound could give an aura that reduces armor on 'friendly' buildings surrounded that area.

I'd love to hear feedback. Thanks.

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Re: Idea for a Titan... That builds?

Postby KamiKadse » Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:08 am

It's certainly a unique idea. There are some problems with it tho. For example Titan could make a lot of moneymakers and then use his minis to defend them. Also a tower that can oneshot builders?^
Honestly i can't see this as a fun Titan to play against. People already complain about camping and this seems like a camp-mid deluxe skillset.

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Re: Idea for a Titan... That builds?

Postby SCORPEANrtd » Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:54 pm

KamiKadse wrote:It's certainly a unique idea. There are some problems with it tho. For example Titan could make a lot of moneymakers and then use his minis to defend them. Also a tower that can oneshot builders?^
Honestly i can't see this as a fun Titan to play against. People already complain about camping and this seems like a camp-mid deluxe skillset.

1. He could certainly, if he gets minis, but he would be a generally weaker Titan to start with, keep in mind.
2. Sure, he may have a mini defending them, but Titan hunters or Tauren could risk breaking down the base/blinking inside to destroy the moneymaker surely? Especially if the first tier are one/two/three-shot.
3. I don't think 1 shot, no. And the damage values are something that can be tweaked. Keep in mind that these towers would also be pricey and attack slowly.

Keep in mind, and idea like this would take careful balancing, but it could potentially work well in practice.

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Re: Idea for a Titan... That builds?

Postby Ben_T » Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:22 pm

I like a lot of the ideas, of course they can be balanced where necessary. If it's a building titan, then I think it would be cool to have a regen tower as his heal. Possibly a fountain of health model that gets tankier and heals more with each level skilled into the heal. Not sure how to balance that out with mini heals though. Should they get a healing tower to build? Can they repair the fountain of health? Can their mini minis repair structures? If something can repair, will it cost lumber for the titan? Also, do the attacking towers last forever? How long would the sentry towers last? Or would they last forever but be easy to kill similar to how Molt's phoenix scouts are now?
Lots of questions, but I feel most of them are needed to understand what your vision of the titan is and for other people's input on it.

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Re: Idea for a Titan... That builds?

Postby SCORPEANrtd » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:49 pm

Ben_T wrote:I like a lot of the ideas, of course they can be balanced where necessary. If it's a building titan, then I think it would be cool to have a regen tower as his heal. Possibly a fountain of health model that gets tankier and heals more with each level skilled into the heal. Not sure how to balance that out with mini heals though. Should they get a healing tower to build? Can they repair the fountain of health? Can their mini minis repair structures? If something can repair, will it cost lumber for the titan? Also, do the attacking towers last forever? How long would the sentry towers last? Or would they last forever but be easy to kill similar to how Molt's phoenix scouts are now?
Lots of questions, but I feel most of them are needed to understand what your vision of the titan is and for other people's input on it.

Perhaps a heal like that could work, yeah. Not sure about the specifics.
As far as towers go, they would be normal buildings that last forever. They would have no natural regen, and I think (for balance purposes especially, would only heal from Earthbound Towers. OR, perhaps the Arcane Vault could have lumber upgrades that the Titan can get, like Regen for all towers, or damage/slow buffs, health buffs, etc.
Sentries would be pretty squishy btw.

I have an idea for the nuke. But, not sure it'd be great. Basically it would cast on any of the Titan's structures, and would deal damage in an AoE around it.

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