Royal presence improvement

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Royal presence improvement

Postby Letbell » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:58 pm

After testing out a few rounds with royal presence; the only thing that is only usable is the late game between wave 24 and above, because creeps has higher hit-points pools. Although it is quite not useful in the early game where creeps has lower hit points pool.

I suggest some improvement where it is viable in the early game. The following effect the guardian receive after using royal presence:

1) Ethereal form (A defensive mechanism allowing guard to bypass physical damage, but takes 200% more magic dps from creeps on magic waves)
2) The duration is base on guard's mana being drain - similar to immolation - Draining 5% mana per sec; lasting about 20 sec
3) Convert enemy's hp into guardian's hp by royal presence as long it is activate - A second defensive mechanism.

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Re: Royal presence improvement

Postby ZinGir » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:02 pm

So timelord and dark combined. seems op.
One handed weapons suit me very much. They leave a hand free to preform rude gestures.

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Re: Royal presence improvement

Postby Letbell » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:32 pm

Well, ethereal form restrict guardian from attacking other units, and it would kinda balance it out. Other than, magic units can attack the guardian while he's in ethereal form because it's vulnerable to magic attacks.

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