@archol archol wrote:I dont care about my 3 day ban
You are banned for 2 days. You got banned on 26th around 2300 BST, and you'll be unbanned 2 days later (28th 2300 BST). Not 3 days. So before going accusing people, please get the facts straight
archol wrote:In LTD people are leaving games after 1 second or 1 hour, and most of those games get drawed (and mods dont even care, even in the league - as long it gets reported) and when a player leaves in LTD it has at least a 10 times bigger impact than one random public player in Island Defense. In LTD you have to rehost a game, in Island Defense you keep playing.
Just compare those 2 games and then you see the differences in behaviour regarding mods and ban behaviour, its quite sad how the community turned into or how mods hide behind the rules to feel better in real life - if you ban right, then ban fair and everyone who break a rule and not a few.
If you think mods are abusing, why not say anything? Give us names and proof, not only "I saw one mod do X". That doesn't help.
archol wrote:The mods ive saw are even breaking the rules too from time to time (you want proof? i can post it as ive rechecked some of their latest games if you tell me what the consequences for them are)
They get banned like everyone else. Depending on the circumstances they might even get demoted.
archol wrote:Edit: Just check the lastest (!!!) replay from Ben_T, who didnt even ban his friend who was abusing an exploit/glitch and trust me (another mod had to do it AFTERWARDS), and there are few more from others ...
The reason Ben didn't ban in game is that he wasn't sure what was going on. It's difficult to pin point exactly how severely titan is abusing that glitch so checking the replay later is better. Kappa, who also was in the game, did the banning after watching the replay. Don't worry, we talked about it in Discord.
archol wrote:Bonus: The 2nd latest (!!!) game from the very same mod a titan left at minute 6 - and yet that mod didnt ban him at the same game and there was no ban topic either. Why he didnt ban him, yet a titan is way more important than a builder? 0 days as titan and 3 days as builder?
Why don't you PM him and ask?
Lynx wrote:edit: the coco case also shows how island defense moderators act out of frustration rather than reason.
@Lynx , please try to understand. Coco is not banned for MH anymore. He is banned for dodging. whether he MHed or not is irrelevant anymore because he dodged. If you go look at the ban request and appeal(s) made, you can see that it was slowly turning into his favor. If he had not dodged, he would be able to play right now. But he dodged, he gets 1 year ban. That is how ENT has always worked. Understand that now?
archol wrote:Well the only thing i can explain my ban is following ... I think some people are still living in the past and cant look into the future or forgive others - i did had a reputation, because i disbanded the biggest and 2nd oldest Island defense clan (after moneykiller´s) in Europa without notifiy anyone (and without any reasons) and ignored everyone, and went to Legion TD with a few inhouse players.
People got quite mad about that and even afterwards - that something from 10-12 years ago has still an impact nowadays is really sad. My clan at that time contained players like Nate, Max.Payne, Neco, Arty), Shadow-, Pongu and many more. Maybe the mod, who banned me, was there too
How does this game will improve when certain mods are still living in the past? I was LIHL mod and would feel ashamed if i acted like that.
I'm quite confident that Ben_T was not around when you did all that. So no, that is not the case.