I think validated accounts should only be allowed to play games hosted by ENT.
If this suggestion get approved, but there are certain things that may get a little wanky.
Current Validation System
- 1) There is no limits and people may just make a new account and validate it, and it'll make this suggestion makes no sense at all.
Improvised Validation System
1) Restrict 700 elo and below to join on certain games and especially Dota and LTD, because there's a chance likely those accounts are used for boosting.
2) Validating an accounts should fall under more strict categories such as something similar to...Korean MS where they verifying the person's SSN (this is just an example, and it's just something not be taken accounted for), but something else that can be sure to verify the identify the account holder. Recently, I've been trying to create a similar app 1-click button verifying the account holder whenever an individual join a game (Similar to what blizzard had; a Battle.net authorization whenever you log in)
3) A reputation system where it score or titled ur account on recent ban or known bans. (Maybe not so sure about this one)
1) Voiding all surfs accounts
2) Voiding bad reputation accounts such as thrower, game ruiner, trolls, and etc. (Mostly booster)
3) Consistent match-making with the normal and causal players.
1) Less player database (Most likely people who is really bad at playing dota & certain games or just want to play casually will not like it)
2) ENT will not be known for Community-friendly again
3) Time consuming and not sure if it'll work, and may as well stick to what we had right now.
Let me know what u guys think x.x
(This isn't a troll or anything I have against ENT, but just something I just wanna share.)