Astros wrote:The problem I find with people who complain about meepo being imbalanced is those who don't know how to work as a team. He's very easy to stop (if you have a few disables and you should on your team) if you work as a collective group. There isn't a single meepo out there who would try a 5v1 against a competent team. They usually prey on unsuspecting players who are trying to counter push a lane and/or just don't listen to their team and plays solo. The question of meepo being imbalanced or not should be redirected at players who refuse to listen to help counter against a meepo because that is essentially the biggest problem when facing a meepo. If that is the solution, should players be banned because they refuse to play a certain way against a meepo that would be for the betterment of the team?
This isn't toward you, but for other players who doesn't give a shit about teammates
Yep, this is what all typical pubs does: "I ain't gonna listen to my teammate because I didn't take mid-lane, and I'm less far gold & experiences when I go off-lane" or something like "Hell no, I'm gonna carry this shit. Ya'l keep feeding that meepo even though I warded" or maybe something like "DUDE, WHY THE FUCK U PICK SUPPORT AND BUILD CARRY ITEMS?!".
Big tips: Played the game, if you lose then move on. If you win, congratulation - because no one gives a shit xD -Truthstory2k09
I've seen far worst player who picked lich and went dagon & lothar or that typical Lion support who went Thread + Lothar + Agh without warding the whole game or that one dude who picked crystal maiden and doesn't build forcestaff or that Jariko who called mid and failed miserably.
Play safe, coordinate your team, and don't make punish-able mistakes that gives an advantage.
Play smart and don't be that one cry-baby who doesn't give a shit about the teammate.
If you play a support, play as a roamer or support, and don't play as a carry because you ain't a carry baby-girl.
If you play a carry, play as a hard carry, and don't buy ward or mek man; even if you are a semi-carry - go hard carry items.
Hell, even a 70% win-rate meepo Spammer in Dota 2 can still lose game even if people doesn't pick counter against meepo - All the enemy team needs to is play safe, coordinate team, and punish those roamer with TP scrolls or roam as duo.
This is why people don't spam meepo in 5K MMR, because meepo is easy to punish by duo roamers or medicore-carry teams (This is what I saw most of the time when playing 5K games.)
Although, I still makes bunch of mistakes whenever I played against a good/bad techies.
Edit1: If you don't want to play games against meepo.
1) Install Dota 2
2) Survive through HELL MMR (1k-4k)
3) Self taught russian. Knowing what "cyka blyakt" is also fine.
4) Enjoy non-meepo spam in 5k MMR, but good luck enjoying duo-medicore roamers & drow ranger spammer.