Proposed change to votekick rules

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Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby DeCarabas » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:35 pm

I was recently banned under the following circumstances:

The game was started under -ap mode even though there was no mode change announced in lobby.
Once the game started the majority of players (myself included) wanted to draw the game and re-start as we did not wish to play with this mode and (if I remember correctly) some players had left. One player (for whatever reason) refused to draw so a votekick was initiated against that player, three of us voted to kick and he was removed after which the game was drawn.

A ban request was made and the four of us were banned. I don't disagree with the ban since, under the current rules, the kicked player did not actually break a rule. However, I argue the he WAS violating the spirit of those rules by exacerbating a situation which 'negatively impacted the game for either or both teams in the game'.

I would suggest implementing a rule that states, in essence, that if the majority of players desire a draw and there is one player preventing the draw then it is acceptable to remove that player.



Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby Zeratul » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:41 pm

"Oh look i hate my roll" -> "Did you already rr?" -> "yeah twice :\" -> Meh fk it, my roll is also bad -> "Let's draw"


"Hey who refused to draw??" -> !Votekick X

And yes you're gonna say "But we can make it so that draw is only acceptable when people disconnect or so"

Let's give scenario nr. 2 -> Fk this game, my rolls are so bad - disconnect -> !draw -> Who refused to draw?? -> !votekick X

And i can continue giving a ton of examples where it will always end the opposite of what you're looking for

tl;dr - the cons vastly outnumber the pros for making votekick to draw mandatory under any circunstance (Feel free to read the discussions so far about draw in the archive)

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Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby DeCarabas » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:06 pm

Mind you I don't agree with everything you've said but some of it holds. And yes, I agree that it would be exploitable and since there ARE certainly players who will exploit anything they can a rule change probably isn't the best way to go. But the bottom line is that players were being held hostage in a game they didn't want to play, that they shouldn't have had to, and was already wrecked because one person decided that he wanted it his way. The only remedy for that was to do what we did. Did we violate the letter of the law? Certainly. The spirit? I'm not sure about that.

Maybe a rule change isn't what's called for but what's the solution? Maybe a closer examination of the game situation rather than unilateral application of the rules is what's called for. No, he didn't break a rule but there IS a rule against ruining the game and while he didn't ruin it himself the game WAS undeniably ruined and by refusing to draw he was allowing that ruined game to continue. By extension, were we breaking a rule by keeping a ruined game from continuing or following the rules by ending said game in a way that hurt no-one?


Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby Zeratul » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:10 pm

You simply can't force one to draw - the command itself was implemented (or exists) for players to use it, or not, depending on their choice - Some players have a good sportsmanship, and will draw in most of the cases, others simply won't for whatever reason

You can't simply votekick 1 person due to him not wanting to draw - Draw has never been mandatory due to the easy exploit on several scenarios, and votekicking to force it just makes it a lot worse

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Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby DeCarabas » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:18 pm

I'm not saying drawing SHOULD be mandatory. I'm saying that, in this case, the only way to salvage the ruined game so that nobody would be penalized was to draw. If only one person wants to continue he is, in effect, ruining the game for all others involved so yes, he should be kicked. Not for refusing to draw but for ruining the game which IS a kickable offense.

Either way I can see a rule change isn't what's called for. If some weird situation comes up again I'll just argue my case for that instance as well as I can and what happens happens. It's not the end of the world either way.

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Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby Unitil » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:25 pm

What you're trying to discuss here is the legitimacy of your votekick.

Votekick may only be used on users that have broken our game ruining rules. Bending the rules to state the fact that he ruined the game due to not drawing is not valid. If an individual does not wish to draw, it is their prerogative to do so. There are no rules with regards to users not drawing, and this will remain to be like this.


Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby Zeratul » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:26 pm

Ruining the game doens't include (nor is related at all) refusing to draw, so don't generalize it: What constitutes game ruining is what is described by the rules, not everything else you see fit; Not to mention in any other game, you don't even have the chance to draw, so having the possibility to draw is not to be abused, but use it at discretion, and appeal to people's good will, not votekick someone to force your way in

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Re: Proposed change to votekick rules

Postby FalenGa » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:32 pm

There have been plenty of similar suggestions on the subject of forcing a draw. None of them passed for a reason.

You can find out more on this topic by searching our archive.


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