Full Team leave, draw dont work

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Full Team leave, draw dont work

Postby De_Timmey » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:51 pm

Your Warcraft III username: El0_B1tch
Realm/Gateway: US East?
Why are you banned: leave
Why you should be unbanned: Before we can choose the mode in castle Fight the first opponent lost connection, so all vote for draw, and all my m8s leave the game, i tryed also to draw, but the system dont take it, so I left the game.

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Re: Full Team leave, draw dont work

Postby sl4ck » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:12 pm

De_Timmey wrote:Before we can choose the mode in castle Fight the first opponent lost connection, so all vote for draw, and all my m8s leave the game, i tryed also to draw, but the system dont take it, so I left the game.

Code: Select all

(00:11 / QUIT) jacka_acka: Disconnect
(00:11 / All) El0_B1tch: Game has been marked as a draw due to early leaver. This means that stats will not be recorded.
(00:37 / All) El0_B1tch: !draw
(00:47 / All) El0_B1tch: El0_B1tch has left the game voluntarily.
(00:47 / QUIT) El0_B1tch: Left

Take a look at the chatlog, that should help clear things up. Game was already drawn.

But you got banned for different game anyways, this one: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11339818



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