Sylvanas wrote:If my ping is over 30, I just don't play and do something else. I mean, I could purposefully find ways to play games with higher than necessary ping and tell myself it's still fine, but why would I do that when I don't actually have to? Why would you replace good ping by worse ping for any reason, no matter what your personal tolerance may be?
Seriously dude? You must not ever play online ever. Even in Overwatch I usually have 40-60 ping, and I have a total of 5 ping in War3...
Sylvanas wrote:So the 1.5 gb it takes to maintain a second wc3 folder is where you draw the line. It's either the currently available storage and one folder or an extra drive and two folders, with no inbetween. There are no other possible arrangements and having to buy an extra drive should be blamed solely to the extra file size requirements of having two wc3 folders. If only they made 502 gb drives instead of 500, right? One can dream.
...You totally missed the entire point. Which was that going out and buying a drive *JUST* to mintain a seperate copy of the same game was retarded, and not something I'm going to do.
Sylvanas wrote:Even if you're holding a rose-tinted view of botless wc3, you should still realize how bad the depopulation and splitting of the playbase will be and you can't deny the pointless and arbitrary cause of it. You can't even say "people shouldn't make their own servers, it will only make things worse", because it was inevitably going to happen when they decided to make that move and we all know it. Anything done for wc3's sake that will piss off half of the players is automatically a horrible idea, even if you agree with the changes themselves. At this point, the best thing that could happen would be for ENT to take as much of with them as possible and safeguard what's left from blizzard's idiocy.
I'm not even going to respond anymore. This is exactly the argument I talked about in the first post I made. Don't tell me you care about the community when you're leaving out what will likely be 40-75% of the player base that updates immediately after the patch.