[DOTA] henry.v // entconnect US

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[DOTA] henry.v // entconnect US

Postby pcpcpcpcpc » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:50 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11582889
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #39
Your Warcraft III Username: h8ismymidname
Violator's Warcraft III Username: henry.v, danisch, catneedmilk, wulgraf
Violated Rule(s): game ruin // destroyed all items, not kicking game ruiner
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 35 minute on but exact time to destroying items are at 53:50
Any further thoughts: please review this crazy game and ban necessary players who contributed to this outcome.
(53:47 / All) Mamba: Player [v3n0mX]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(53:54 / Allied) h8ismymidname: -afk
(53:55 / All) CrazyAsian: uh oh
(53:56 / Allied) tato449: just ff then
(53:58 / Allied) h8ismymidname: !votekick hen
(53:58 / All) Mamba: A votekick against player [Henry.V] has been started by player [h8ismymidname]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(53:58 / All) Mamba: Type !yes to vote.
(53:58 / All) Mamba: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(53:58 / Allied) tato449: why waste time
(54:03 / Allied) v3n0mX: !yes
(54:03 / All) Mamba: Player [v3n0mX] voted to kick player [Henry.V]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(54:04 / All) h8ismymidname: afk grief base
(54:04 / Allied) CatNeedMilk: -afk
(54:07 / Allied) tato449: !yes
(54:07 / All) Mamba: Player [tato449] voted to kick player [Henry.V]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(54:07 / All) h8ismymidname: do it
(54:07 / Allied) danisch: top ?
(54:08 / Allied) danisch: all ?
(54:08 / All) v3n0mX: kick pls
(54:09 / All) h8ismymidname: banning him
(54:13 / Allied) tetin: yeah top
(54:15 / Allied) tato449: just ff
(54:15 / All) h8ismymidname: and ppl who dont
(54:17 / Allied) tato449: why waste more time
(54:17 / All) Wulgraf: GUYS
(54:18 / All) v3n0mX: destroyed every item
(54:20 / All) h8ismymidname: ?
(54:24 / Allied) Henry.V: let them end iidiots
(54:25 / Allied) Henry.V: its over
(54:30 / Allied) h8ismymidname: good ip ban for long long time
(54:31 / Allied) tato449: ff u stupid mother fuckr
(54:32 / All) v3n0mX: kick pls
(54:35 / Allied) h8ismymidname: fukcin baddies like him
(54:42 / Allied) tato449: menry u are the stupidoist person i have met
(54:44 / Allied) h8ismymidname: !timestamp destroyed items sb
(54:48 / Allied) Henry.V: ?
(54:52 / All) Mamba: A votekick against player [Henry.V] has expired.
(54:53 / Allied) tato449: that why ur life is also a failure dude
(54:59 / Allied) CrazyAsian: scouting
(55:08 / Allied) h8ismymidname: just ff it now
(55:08 / Allied) tato449: cant even get your life on track
(55:11 / Allied) h8ismymidname: im banning now
(55:12 / All) Mamba: [Calm] has refilled [tato449]'s cookie jar. [tato449] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(55:12 / Allied) tato449: fucking loser
(55:13 / Allied) Wulgraf: all hide
(55:16 / Allied) Henry.V: LMFAO
(55:16 / Allied) Henry.V: teal
(55:17 / Allied) Wulgraf: they wll come at rosgh
(55:19 / Allied) tetin: stfu dyde
(55:20 / Allied) tetin: just push
(55:23 / Allied) tetin: and put stuns near us
(55:25 / Allied) Wulgraf: :D
(55:34 / Allied) h8ismymidname: dont worry hes not playing fo rlong time
(55:37 / Allied) CrazyAsian: together
(55:37 / Allied) h8ismymidname: !votekick hen
(55:41 / Allied) Wulgraf: wait me ?
(55:43 / All) CrazyAsian: uh oh
(55:49) Henry.V killed Mamba
(56:03) Wulgraf killed danisch
(56:06) danisch killed Henry.V
(56:11) tato449 killed Wulgraf
(56:12) tetin killed CatNeedMilk
(56:16 / Allied) tetin: hahahah
(56:17 / All) tato449: kcik oj
(56:23 / Allied) tetin: this riky is a pice of art
(56:23 / All) tato449: already why u guys waste time
(56:24 / Allied) Henry.V: pls no
(56:28 / Allied) tetin: or u noobs are
(56:31 / Allied) Wulgraf: back
(56:32 / Allied) Wulgraf: bavk
(56:34 / Allied) CrazyAsian: shhhhhh your 3/12
(56:36 / Allied) Wulgraf: on me
(56:37 / Allied) danisch: i had 10 hp
(56:40) Wulgraf killed h8ismymidname
(56:48) tetin killed Wulgraf
(56:50 / All) tato449: fine ill leave then fucking wasting time
Last edited by BeerLord on Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: provided proper replay link

Resource Storage
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Re: [DOTA] henry.v // entconnect US

Postby wulgraf » Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:37 pm

well If I have understood why im ban, I apologize for that ;
i was in my game with techies and I didn't realize some one was throwing in the adverse team ...

im a fair player, and I respect the rules.

good night,

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Re: [DOTA] henry.v // entconnect US

Postby BeerLord » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:39 am

Min 52 bara afk/griefs behind fountain. Min 54 he destroys his items.
henry.v is an alias of countchocula96, who is currently serving a 3 month ban for serial game ruining.
Increasing said ban to 4 months.

Two votekick attempts initiated.
Mamba, who failed to vote, is currently serving a 2 month ban for game ruin.
danisch, crazyasian, wulgraf, catneedmilk, and tetin all failed to vote and are each banned 2 days for failure to votekick a game ruiner.

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