Desire wrote:As you being a veteran LoD player, I find your views adverse. Variety of skills not chosen is one the purposes of this mode being implemented. Here's that discussion - viewtopic.php?f=14&t=133029
Seems like knowledge of the game doesn't go in your favour(in my honest opinion). Comparison of player statistics also doesn't say otherwise either. Given that you want to vs x5 MC global ability just tells me you like to play a more rigged game which shows me the reason your anti-osmode.
You should try to view the possibilities this mode offers and how it makes LoD better.
I'm trying to find them. I will play lod cuz I don't play any other games for months. I played during map problems, desync problems, before and after shiity patches. But it's annoying when pricks pick random skills like mc + rapture + jinada + caustic. The just don't let other play good game. I understand that new mode allow more balanced games, but only when ppl allow it (communicate, exchange skills etc - it doesn't happens a lot). I will not fight bo bringing it back, since I'm only visitor here. I'm just pointing out my conserns. And the biggest one is that, playing vs stackers gonna be more painfull than usually.