wc3connect dropped me

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wc3connect dropped me

Postby harrypothead » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:21 pm

Your Warcraft III username: koreanjesus
Realm/Gateway: WC3Connect
Why are you banned: dropping/leaving
Why you should be unbanned: there's a problem with entconnect. my internet is fine, hasn't been spiking or anything but I got dropped 2 games in a row. first time mid-fight after I just got a kill and the second time on game load. the in-game drop gave me "attempting to reconnect with g-proxy" message but dropped me within 2 seconds (i.e not enough time to votekick). I had a similar issue a few weeks back that it was dropping me from lobby but no excessive ping or any connection issue message. i've restarted comp, reinstalled entconnect and this issue keeps popping up. is there a new version coming that's less buggy?

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Re: wc3connect dropped me

Postby Ziadoma » Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:21 am


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