[DOTA] [go4real@entconnect] Creep stealing, general trolling

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[DOTA] [go4real@entconnect] Creep stealing, general trolling

Postby xSAINTx1 » Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:36 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11658646
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #90
Your Warcraft III Username: MissOldDota
Violator's Warcraft III Username: go4real
Violated Rule(s): Do not teamkill (steal creeps all game when i try to farm, and when told to stop stealing, he ignores request).
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): After in-game time of 12 mins as documented, if u watch replay on 10x speed, you will see lina continous nuke waves that I try to farm, or follow me in our woods and blink to the camps im at and nuke them to steal.
(15:24 / Allied) MissOldDota: !unignore go
(15:25 / Allied) MissOldDota: dont
(15:27 / Allied) MissOldDota: touch
(15:28 / Allied) MissOldDota: k
(15:30 / Allied) MissOldDota: im reporting
(15:33 / Allied) MissOldDota: !timestamp 12
(15:39 / Allied) MissOldDota: lmfao
Any further thoughts: Just pathetic that people can't play with any decency. @go4real

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Re: [DOTA] [go4real@entconnect] Creep stealing, general trolling

Postby Gina » Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:28 pm

Look at the say (22:56 / All) go4real: boring. He think that is fun for him to ruin ur game

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Re: [DOTA] [go4real@entconnect] Creep stealing, general trolling

Postby Merex » Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:52 am

Didn't find anything beyond the ancients at listed time - And won't ban for that, either. The way this griefing works is if you're maliciously followed by an ally over a lengthy period of the game, having kills stolen by malicious spells/potentially spells used on yourself from said player.

tl;dr Overall being a disturbance, which this lina wasn't.
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