HellCup #3 - HellHalt Tournament - February 22nd - 24th

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HellCup #3 - HellHalt Tournament - February 22nd - 24th

Postby Dew » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:53 pm

Announcing our 3rd HellCup Tournament. (https://challonge.com/HellCup3)

Tournament Dates- February 22nd - 24th
Will be running the entire tournament through Challonge.com

This requires you and team members to have a Challonge account.

http://www.challonge.com/users/new (One click registration if you have a Facebook account)

Running this through Challonge corrects any time zone issues as it will convert start times & match times to your local time zone.

Team Captain's will also be REQUIRED to be on Discord for check-ins. https://discord.gg/vqkpAzW

It's recommended that your entire team is on Discord.

If you are interested in playing you must register and enter your team accordingly, please follow the steps listed below.


1. Register your account. (https://challonge.com/users/new)

1a) Have your teammates register an account.

2. Create a team, up to 4 players. (https://challonge.com/teams/new)

2a) From your team overview screen, Invite your teammates to join your team.

Click your account name in top right > Teams > Members > Invite by username/email.

3. Once completed with 1 & 2, SIGN UP HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KjJfMwce5n

3a) Team Captain/Organizer to message me on discord with team name (Dew.#4752).


Monday February 18th - Is the cutoff date for registration and to finalize the bracket - so get registered as soon as possible!

Will run the tournament with a minimum of 8 teams.

Seeding will be randomized following end of signups.

Standard double elimination bracket to begin the tournament.

However, Semi-Finals in both brackets and the Finals match will be best out of 3.


Matches will be hosted on EntConnect. (viewtopic.php?t=135760#p524895)

Matches will start at their scheduled time with a 15min grace period.

We don't want forfeits but if you're not available that weekend, either make sure that your other players can cover for the times you aren't, or don't sign up, we've had some issues with teams showing up in the past.

If you are short a player at start time, you may only pickup another player if they are NOT on another registered team and if the other team approves.

If the other team doesn't approve a sub, you will forfeit. Instantly.

They signed up to play YOU. Make sure your players SHOW UP.

All Matches are 3v3.

All games are going to hosted with an organizer present, as a referee.

All matches will be streamed, and a 30 min delay set.


4 person team max. (Part of your registered Challonge team)

Show up in game under your registered name.

You may use any 3 person combo of your 4 players each game.

No player can play on multiple teams. If found to violate this rule those teams will be removed from tournament play.


Mode - paacdm

Match rules will posted within the week.


If you're looking for teammates please throw your details in Hellcord forum area.

(https://discord.gg/vqkpAzW) > Hellcord Teammates.

Any questions or issues please reach out:

Can PM me here or on Challonge.
Dew.#4752 on Discord.

Or any of our Hellcord mods https://discord.gg/vqkpAzW would be glad to point you in the right direction.
Join our Hell community on twitch & discord!
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/idothedew21
HellHalt Discord: https://discord.gg/zBkfKUv
February 2019 HellHalt Tourney: http://challonge.com/HellCup3

Armored Tree
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Re: HellCup #3 - HellHalt Tournament - February 22nd - 24th

Postby IamSATAN » Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:06 am

So just for clarification, if 4 members registered on team and 1 no shows we can use the 4th member as sub without asking the opposing team, correct?
Papnopticon is a CLOWN :mrgreen:

[Quote] Allando - when all else fails just whinge and blame other people like i do

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