Infernal Aggro.

Moderator: HELLRAlSER

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Infernal Aggro.

Postby Aldamert » Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:34 am

I do not know if it is just me, but it seems like Infernals draw zero aggro and they will always be the last unit to be attacked and killed, almost like they have Insignificant Other, there have been multiple instances when I have been playing that the Infernals just walk around my front line of tanks and go start slapping all of my DPS and they arent even scratched, leaving me with no DPS. I was wondering why they seem like they have no aggro???

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Re: Infernal Aggro.

Postby LeGiOnPrOpLayah420x3 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:47 am

its not just u :D thats the thing about infernals. they are basically like servants. get ignored till theyre the last one standing...

hellraiser said something like.."if u'd see a burning rock giant, u would try to run away of them aswell", kinda made sense to me ^^

some shit that helps sniping infernals: mutants, nightsabers, elite archers, hydra, leviathan ... basically everything with bounce attack. even water elementals could help u snipe them. these units wont focus infernals either but u can be lucky enough to get infernals hit often enough by bounceattacks/multishots so they die.

another thing that helps a lot is any kind of heal u can get to counter the immolation.
if u get yourself a sera it gonna help if u choose skills that cause aoe damage.


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