Ban appeal for afk

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Ban appeal for afk

Postby Letbell » Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:47 pm

Your Warcraft III username: D0rkTv
Realm/Gateway: entconnect
Why are you banned: afk - viewtopic.php?f=24&t=140891&p=545018&hilit=D0rkTv#p545018

I know it's my responsibility to be aware of ENT's rule about intentional/game ruining, but I also would like to state that my intention was neither grief or game-ruining. Secondly, I've already upgraded internet plan/contract twice already from 15 mbs (originally) to 25mbs and toward 75 mbs in the past few months.

In the ban request, the initiator (@xSaintx1) mentioned and proposed to a conclusion that I was always lag in most matches, and this is true due to regional incompatibility; it could be that the network in my region is not compatible with network-host provided by ENT's entconnect application or perhaps there's an issue with the internet service providers within my region.

Lastly, I would like to mention that my afk in the link provided was very inconvenience and unfortunate that I've to response to an urgent request by colleague that I've worked with. Naturally, I would response to real-life problem first and resolve it as soon as possible. I am well-aware that my afk would resulting a removal from the game & resulting a ban request by one of the teammates, and I'm well-aware that I will be responsible for my action (which is afking). I also aware that before I went afk; I did not mention that there would be an urgent case that I've to attend.

Why you should be unbanned: As I am already aware of most auto-ban (due to disconnection and instability regional connection between ENT and my resident area), and a ban request for afk (which has solid evidence against me for afk, but not griefing). I would like to ask if it is possible to have reduction in ban duration for afk (not griefing, because I've never reset the afk-timer after 5 minute in order to response to irl event).

Rules that I've broke:
Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.

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Re: Ban appeal for afk

Postby xSAINTx1 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:58 pm

You did in fact grief. You revive from fountain, not mention you will be afk, and then u are kicked from game outside of fountain by fence. Explain? did your ISP also let you teleport to another part of map? Maybe you should play dota 2 instead since you can reconnect to those games. Here, you just ruin over and over, it's getting really fucking annoying. 12 disconnects on same IP as shanochi in 1 month --> viewtopic.php?f=25&t=140615&p=544035#p544035

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Re: Ban appeal for afk

Postby Astros » Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:16 am


You were given a ban reduction very recently. Griefing vs AFK is very irrelevant here because as it stands, you were AFK at the fountain. If you had chosen to leave due to an urgent issue, your ban wouldn't have been 4 days and possibly be appealable. Due to the fact that you had to be kicked from the game, griefing and AFK doesn't really change much here. You weren't banned for griefing but for being AFK. Also, since I had mentioned to you previously that you in actuality could be banned much longer due to the inconsistent new account leaver bans, I have difficulty grasping what the real issue is here. What have you tried other than upgrading your connection speed? Have you checked your router/modem connection? Perhaps try upgrading your router/modem? It would be pointless for me to unban or decrease your ban duration if the real issue isn't corrected. Just to clarify, did you AFK because you were lagging too hard or was there an urgent issue? It wouldn't change the ban duration but if you are truly lagging, that should be fixed.
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Re: Ban appeal for afk

Postby aimskjs » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:03 am

I only can confirm he was lagging so bad in the game and the last game with me. lag countdown appealed every min. I hope he doesn't lag anymore.

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Re: Ban appeal for afk

Postby Letbell » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:28 am

I've mentioned that I've upgrade internet contract/plan in past months. The ISP technician also mentioned that my signal connection is very unstable due to where I live.

I do received different modem that goes along with the upgrades. I've attempt to try fixing the instability connection on my own, but I still could not find a resolution other than moving to another resident area where it might offer better signal connection.

I went AFK not due to lag, but an urgent issue with a colleague, and I also aware that I did not notify my teammates before going afk, which could've clarify more clearly that there is an urgent issue that I needed to attend.

Also, shanochi was the one who received a reduction in ban duration, and of course that wouldn't mean anything since we lived in the same resident and we're both responsible for sharing the same network.

I've already mentioned reapeatly that I've already tried everything:
1) Upgrade IPS conteact/plan that also give a different modem
2) Attempt to fix it the instability connection in my own,

Things that I havn't try:
1) Move to another residentual area, which also cost money.
2) Hire a different technician to analyze the actual reason behind the instability, and I bet he'll give me the same answer from ISP technician

Most the stuff here I already mentioned from time to time and already tried, and some alternatives that I havn't done is due to financial reason (other than hiring a different technician).

Anyway, just like you mentioned that I should at least notify my teammates before going AFK with a reasonable urgent. I also aware and knows the ENT's rules that enforced, and it is also my mistake and reaponsibility that I forgot to notify my teammates before going AFK.

If everything that I mentioned here that doesn't make sense at all or I am not try hard enough to fix my connection signal, then I should accept the 4 days ban and move on.

Thank you for reading this, and have a day.

@xSaintx1 I could give you many reasons, but I don't have any solid evidences to actually prove it. There's a saying "Actions worth more than words." Unless you know me irl personally.

Sometimes I would get good/bad month of the years, and this would be one of them.

Edit: typo " give to have"
Edit 2: Saint, you don't have to be salty about my ISP. You don't know me personally other than as someone who played dota.
Edit 3: I also noticed you were accused me for intentional griefing. Have you noticed there's a zues in the enemy team that can used ulti and actually damage and able to move my hero? I bet you don't. That's probably the reason why you saw my hero outside the fountain area. You should watch the replay again, and I am pretty sure you can find your answer there if you're still doubting me.

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Re: Ban appeal for afk

Postby Astros » Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:18 am

1) Please fix your connection someway or somehow if you wish to play ENT games. You affect other players so while it is frustrating on your end, it doesn't make it fair for others in the game either.

2) We don't need to go back and forth about who was banned on your IP previously, etc., It's all the same to us so continuously mentioning it doesn't help anyone.

3) This is the last time I am going to reduce your ban. In all cases, you were responsible for it and acknowledge as much. It's becoming a pattern of the same story. In the future, I am going to deny any appeal that has anything to do with you being banned for AFK/grief/leaving/DCing.

Reducing your ban and it expires:

24 Mar 2019 14:17:02 EDT
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