HELLHALT TD May tourney

Moderators: rip_joe5, Dew, HELLRAISER

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby dragonizer » Mon May 22, 2017 1:36 pm

Greymare wrote:@dragonizer

Im sure the guys that have put this tournament together for us will be more then happy to listen to constructive critasicim or suggestions as this is the very first one they have been involved with.

As someone that has played with these guys for awile i can assure you that they wont nothing more then to be able to put on a seemless smooth running tournament without any issues or dramas and that they are they type of people that will endevour to correct any issues from this tournament and improve it for next time.


I've been in close contact with both of the organizers and have been hosting the bots for the tournament. Prophet5, Dew. and I have been discussing the problems that came up before, during and after the tournament. I just wanted this to be some kind of written reminder for the next time.

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby rip_joe5 » Mon May 22, 2017 6:57 pm

The start times were pretty clear if you looked at brackets all you had to do was go over the match you wanted to see and click the magnifying glass if you made an account it even changed the time to your timezone . Also next tourney we will be having every team have a team captain and they will be responsible for making sure they have there players ready and we will not be going around looking for subs for teams like this time. We did a lot of running around looking for people to play and just not going to happen it is your teams responsibility to have the correct amount of players and the right players . I realize people have jobs and stuff like that but if you can't be available for the tourney well you shouldn't sign up in my opinion .

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby Dew » Tue May 23, 2017 7:03 pm

@Aneks @dragonizer
We are Definitely open to constructive criticism.

We did feel that everyone knew where to find times, and now we are hearing maybe that wasn't the case.
Aneks I know we sent you the bracket link directly and told you to check it for your game times after you asked when you played next. Maybe you weren't sure how to see future game times.
Phil, I know you were very aware of the bracket & setup in general. But maybe didn't know how to check future matches either? So we will definitely addresss in our next chat
It seems the issue may have been with knowing how to pull up match times with the magnifying glass or maybe time zone converting issues.
Also maybe you guys didn't know that ALL match times were posted in advance. The entire bracket timeline with times for every match was posted late Thursday 5/18 for the entire Weekend tournament 5/19-5/21 so we were very surprised when people didn't know start times. As you could look and see when you played, and also when you played after based off winning/losing and the next match time posted.
Either way, We have a list of ideas on how to improve the next tourney. Making everyone more familiar with challonge will definitely be on that list.
Phil I'm sure we will chat soon via discord. Aneks would love to get you on voice chat as well to clarify the issue you had.
Everyone - Please submit any ideas to us that you feel would make the next tournament better.

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby Aneks » Tue May 23, 2017 8:06 pm

Dew wrote:@Aneks @dragonizer
We are Definitely open to constructive criticism.

We did feel that everyone knew where to find times, and now we are hearing maybe that wasn't the case.
Aneks I know we sent you the bracket link directly and told you to check it for your game times after you asked when you played next. Maybe you weren't sure how to see future game times.
Phil, I know you were very aware of the bracket & setup in general. But maybe didn't know how to check future matches either? So we will definitely addresss in our next chat
It seems the issue may have been with knowing how to pull up match times with the magnifying glass or maybe time zone converting issues.
Also maybe you guys didn't know that ALL match times were posted in advance. The entire bracket timeline with times for every match was posted late Thursday 5/18 for the entire Weekend tournament 5/19-5/21 so we were very surprised when people didn't know start times. As you could look and see when you played, and also when you played after based off winning/losing and the next match time posted.
Either way, We have a list of ideas on how to improve the next tourney. Making everyone more familiar with challonge will definitely be on that list.
Phil I'm sure we will chat soon via discord. Aneks would love to get you on voice chat as well to clarify the issue you had.
Everyone - Please submit any ideas to us that you feel would make the next tournament better.


As I've written it happened and this was my mistake the next time I will not make such a mistake.

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby dweiler » Thu May 25, 2017 6:18 pm

Dew wrote:Either way, We have a list of ideas on how to improve the next tourney.

Oh YESSS CAN'T WAIT for a next one!! I know the tournament isn't over yet, but before it is weeks ago, thank you guys for hosting this tournament! In my opinion, it was a very (veryyyyy) well hosted tournament, and I have some experience having hosted 3 mega tourneys :) I also laughed a lot :lol: Next tournament team "wyverns on lvl 1" will surely be there again! And good luck to all three teams remaining in the tournament! :D :D :D

See you on the hellhalt bot! :!:
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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby RemiiW » Fri May 26, 2017 10:05 am

I'm looking for team as solo too

RemiW on wc3

@RemiW looking for team

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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby Dew » Sun May 28, 2017 7:20 pm

Tourney is over!
You can check http://www.challonge.com/hellhalttourney for entire bracket.

1st: Red Blue Teal
2nd: Meme @dykarn
3rd: Clan Hell @greymare

Team members please reach out to @rip_joe5 with your paypal, either here on on discord.

Congrats to the top 3 teams. Plz send your paypal addresses to @rip_joe5 in a private message for payment either here or on our discord. Also if you had 4 members play figure out how you are doing your payout and let him know that as well. If you'd like to donate any of your winnings towards next tourney just let him know in a private message.

Big shoutout to clan DE, and their chief Phil "Pam" @P4M.DE for donating the bots for tourney and a teamspeak server and his time. Phil was a huge help with the format and bot creation. Thanks to Ent for donating some cash towards tournament. Thank you to all the other people who pitched in their time and helped. Also a huge shoutout to my cohost @rip_joe5 as it's always a bigger endeavor than anticipated when organizing this many people, in this many time zones, and making it all happen.

If anyone has ideas for the next tournament or feedback on this one please shoot me a direct message. Things you enjoyed, things you wish were different, things that could be better. Rules/Format/Casting/Process. Any of it.

Hope y'all had a great time. We are hoping to do this again in the near future. Lets tentatively say end of June or July for Tourney #2. We'll tag everyone when we have official times.

Thanks and great tourney folks.
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Re: HELLHALT TD May tourney

Postby OmBuriOm » Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:40 pm

Greymare wrote:@Dew are you going in it also?

I would love to stream the event if I am at home. How do I get access to stream these games?

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