HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby nicolai123 » Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:25 am

devaztate wrote:Cool so out of the past what 3 MONTHS 2 people will get vouched, both are known from a long time ago......Shambles even posted decent replays and you gave him slack.........what's the difference between him and players like Hodor coming back and immediately causing problems...(other than personal bias) it's cool you girls enjoy your games........Be sure to ban me from this forum so there's literally no chance a opposing voice will/can be heard. I personally hate Shambles but the fact you bitches pick and choose who joins you from bias and who knows who is fucking sad..........there's a reason this game is literally dying.....

Jerk urself off somewhere else, weirdo...

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby Anda » Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:29 am

TinSoldier wrote:Ye we don't want lil bitches and dudes voted most likely to shoot up a school (aka shambless) in our league. Hodor is a season champion you think he ain't gonna get vouched? Hug has played since season 5. You got a problem with that send me your address I'll come fight you right now you lil bitchass. @devaztate

Damn Canada, you scary

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby Krocis » Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:27 pm

devaztate wrote:Cool so out of the past what 3 MONTHS 2 people will get vouched, both are known from a long time ago......Shambles even posted decent replays and you gave him slack.........what's the difference between him and players like Hodor coming back and immediately causing problems...(other than personal bias) it's cool you girls enjoy your games........Be sure to ban me from this forum so there's literally no chance a opposing voice will/can be heard. I personally hate Shambles but the fact you bitches pick and choose who joins you from bias and who knows who is fucking sad..........there's a reason this game is literally dying.....

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby sude » Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:26 am

he only second best firelord but still !support

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby fogey » Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:58 am

damn firelord is back.

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby epicdeath » Fri Feb 22, 2019 11:13 am

@HugMeOnce gday man, if you have any replays where you use some of the newer units early game, (clockwerk, veteran, malf (solo), timestealer, pd) please send them to me-save me searching replays for them. Your replays look good to me so far but I'd like to be sure that you're more or less confident with the newer units.


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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby epicdeath » Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:30 am

Hug Me Once replays:

rep 1: lod/malf

good push after wars. However your malformation placement is wrong. It should be placed behind the LOD. You want it to share damage like any other melee unit even tho the skill might bait you into thinking you want it to die fast its much better to put it behind and let it share aggro and deal damage. Also if/when you upg it to abnormality it needs to stay alive for a little whle to generate more bugs (more mana=more bugs) so you'd want it placed behind after it's upgraded too.

Besides this mistake on all 3 abnos there's not much else to say since you played the game pretty much perfectly. Good push timings and unit choice throughout the game, no unnecessary over/underbuild as well as good calling and communication. So overall I give this is a good enough replay for me since since the mistake is very easy to fix (put malfs behind!)

rep2: EA

all fine on 1-4, for level 5 when you're pushing fast like that (which was good) I'd personally have done one king upg for the 3g to go 7/2 and add only one small archer since you had 2x ent from lv 1. Instead of selling one ent and staying 6/2 with 2x small archer like you did. It's definitely risky and down to preference but I think it would have been good for your lane and team this game with the other 3 overbuilding.

Again on 6 I would have preferred to see you send for one income to go 7/3 and add one more small archer rather than selling the second ent for 2 small archers with 6/3 640 value. Again its preference and I can understand not wanting to leak too much with your teammates obed but I personally still value the faster push and keeping the t1s over playing safe with more small archers.

Good build for 10 (ghost, necrolyte small arch), nice hold here.

Good but unsurprising hold 14 with 2x pd and good build till you guys win 17.

Good replay, I would have played a little differently on 5 and 6 but I think the way you played it was completely fine.

rep 3: ygg

they send 2, you hold with ygg/egg and push 4/0 and add captain for 3.

3x ygg 6 was also good since your team was not great there (pretty sure they didnt see oj's bear but mby I'm wrong)

good build 1-6 for 7 I think you did the best play available (selling egg for 2x necro) but I think you needed to consider what your plan would be earlier on. with 3/0 adding a necrolyte would have been great, 2x necro with 4/0 is kinda underwhelming. That being said I think staying after 2 was the correct decision and you made the best out of the options available once it reached lv 7.

Anyway you go mid 7 which was important for your team here.

I agree with your analysis here, 7/4 was probably the play for 10 but I think the general idea of building for it was correct. I think the fault lies more so with pink here, he pushed really late during 7 and 8 and stayed 7/3 with a really weak build. It would have looked much better with you 7/3 or 7/4 and him 7/5 imo. Supports what you said about it being difficult to predict how teammates will build, especially since, at least to me, it seemed like he wasnt sure himself.

Regardless you built well for 10 (ghost and necrolyte deja'vu :D), the second captain is again meh but I'm gonna assume you had nothing better to add for $121

I get that you made turrets expecting 12 but I think getting one tok would have still been better. I doubt you would have held a big 12 send with turrets behind unupped yggs and imo tok/ghost with some aoe from turret gives you the best chance to snipe/dmg some ballistas.

Good build for 15, nice to see you only went 2 tok with so much other aoe and having good anti 15 in your roll (rev) this was definitely the right call.

Overall I think you played this reasonably well, your build was a little awkward on 7 but your though process in general- to value up and go mid was good to see.

random replay 1: ... 677584.w3g

engi/egg replay

for lv 2 I'm normally not a fan of the third upped engineer since not only does it slow your push a little but it generally holds a furbolg which imo is a negative since them scouting engi is generally a bad thing for your team. That being said this game all your teammates had pretty reliable holds vs furb on 2 and none of you leak vs send so it definitely worked.

on 3 330 value is just more than you need since they just sent 2. 280 is a safe hold with the egg vs no send.

again on 4, you have egg 400 val (5 upped with egg) is safe hold, you could have gotten faster push here.

I'm also not the biggest fan of your positioning here, its preference but I've always found it better to make 2 columns of engis on the wall and next to that rather than 2 rows of 4 engi.

I think attempting to dmg 10 and staying 7/4 after was a decent call but oj pretty much ensured the game was lost for you guys (insert pic)

After 10 build was fine, again you roll ghost (seriously 3 replays in a row now) but game was autolose.

Overall this game was okay, good decision making towards the end of the early game but your push could have definitely been more efficient early on which is kind of the whole point/strength of engineer.

clockwerk random replay:

2 clock 2 and add grizzly for 3, good build

2 greymane for 7, all good and you held vs send

you build for 10 with 7/4, good decision imo - ghost (again ffs) and coupla locks. You showed tribe on 9 but pretty sure you rr'ed? If not small lock+tribe better than 2 small lock.

You guys win on 12

Good replay, glad to see you're aware of clock as a good unit- basically just wanted to be confident that you were up to date with the most recent units.

Overall you seem like a strong and consistent player. Obviously you're already familiar with the community and most of the members so we hope that you pass your trial and continue to enjoy playing here.

Vouched as HugMeOnce. Please note you will need to change your discord name to match your ingame name.

Congratulations on being accepted for trial into the Legion TD Mega In-house League! Fun opportunities and challenging higher quality games are awaiting just for you!

Here are a few things you need to make sure you do:
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As a new member to the LIHL community, you will be placed on a trial status for approximately 3 weeks. As a trial member you will be given the same rights and privileges as any other member of the LIHL. However, as a trial member, your performance and attitude will be monitored closely by the Moderators. We understand that it may take some time to adjust to LIHL game plays, but we expect that you will learn and adjust quickly.

Moderators reserve the right to revoke your vouch status at any time during your trial period without notice due to poor performance or attitude. If you do pass the trial period and become fully vouched, we expect you to maintain high levels of performance and a good attitude - an expectation for all of our members. There are extensive unvouch and ban protocols in place to ensure compliance.

LIHL appreciates your interest and is delighted to welcome you. Happy Gaming! :)

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby Kreutertee » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:59 am

I played some games with him lately and he solid as always. Was unsure how to play peewee yolo, but he asked for advice, np.

!support ofc. Can easy revouch.

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby BoretkPanda » Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:42 am

Could be a bit more active in trial

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby Dong » Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:04 pm

BoretkPanda wrote:Could be a bit more active in trial

He already stated to the mods and most of the players that he is currently on vacation and is visiting the philipines :)
Thou shall self tk.

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby ahols91 » Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:21 pm

i saw him doing a good cross on ENT18 with his girlfriend, it was so hawt

I support him

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby BoretkPanda » Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:20 pm

Dong wrote:
BoretkPanda wrote:Could be a bit more active in trial

He already stated to the mods and most of the players that he is currently on vacation and is visiting the philipines :)

Ah okay didnt notice! Guess doesn't really matter Anyway

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby BoretkPanda » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:58 am

I still think trials should be more active - although I can see that he pref playing with his gf

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby Anda » Tue May 21, 2019 9:23 am

Denied due to inactivity.

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Re: HugMeOnce. Vouch Request

Postby HugMeOnce » Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:54 pm

Can i retrial

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