Pls UnBen

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Pls UnBen

Postby OB-Trice » Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:24 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Bens0nFCSP
Realm/Gateway: entconnect
Why are you banned: afking viewtopic.php?p=549464#p549464
Why you should be unbanned:
it is so long time ago, that i dont even know anymore, why i afked, but due to the daytime that game started, i think i simply fell asleep.

I am sorry and i ll do my best for not make it happen again. If you look at my history, you will see there have been nearly no problems with my behaviour before.

Pls UnBen

Thank u in advance!

Mucho Loverino!


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Re: Pls UnBen

Postby Astros » Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:19 am

ENT Custom Games Discord ------------------

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