I think it would be good if we could come to a consensus on what a "repeat offender" constitutes.
The law of probabilities state that if you try(play) something enough, it(a ban) will happen. For some people who have been here for coming up to a decade and played 1000's of games getting the odd banned for something is essentially inevitable. When handling repeat offenders, I see a great degree of variation among mods where some don't look past 1-2 years, some have zero regard for mitigating factors such as time or games played in between.
@Hazardous has recently stated in: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=140374
With regards to the time period since the last offense, moderators are are encouraged to take into consideration every factor. Therefore, it was okay for @Merex to slightly consider the ban history.
Following that, we've no statue in our own staff-policy that can illegitimate any prior history from any given time.
For clarification, while the above is technically true, it doesn't mean that you should not also take into consideration the time period wherein the offender has remained "clean". >2 years is a long time for sure and should be taken into account.
Yet it seems mods are not abiding by his recommendation as is with the case of this ban request:
Where a 20 day ban was levied for 5 offenses over 7+ years and 5000+ games .
We are no longer talking about a delta of 5 games between one mod and the next but multiple WEEKS. I'd say this is reasonably concerning... My previous ban (administered by the late Astros who had a clear grudge against me) was for 7 days.
To jump from 7 to 20 days for another even if that offense was doubled, we still have almost a week of delta between these mods.
This is extremely punishing to ENT users who maintain the same account. Most of the ent community uses a variety of accounts and easily evade repeat offender bans. For example, *** DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THIS*** anyone could legally while UNBANNED spoof their routers MAC, pull a new IP and make a new account, play a good number of clean games and have a reasonably strong chance of evading their history. Therefore, many users who make multiple accounts will not be administered a "repeat offender" ban.
I would appreciate if mods can make a firm quantitative policy that determines what a "repeat offender" is. In my mind, I think it should be "A offender who repeats will be given a longer duration ban. A repeat offender is anyone who commits multiple offenses in X amount of games"
You autoban script already uses this type of formula to ban repeat leavers. It only seems fair to use a similar policy for other bans.
Thank you for your consideration.