ltd is so random

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ltd is so random

Postby Krocis » Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:44 pm

recently, i realized LTD became so random game
can we fix it somehow?

how can be 850aqua 1asce 1 druid, mid on 10 vs 1k send
how can be 4500 val of 4grizz 3 gryph overseer mid on 17 vs 4k send?
how can 4 grizz 1 tribe mid 10 vs 1k send?
how can tok ,4ts mid on 10 vs 800send?
how come. zeus doesnt hit lowest hp boss anymore and switch target randomly?

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Re: ltd is so random

Postby n1ll3 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:25 am

Well basicly ranged units get fucked very hard 10 by dinos. Thats why grizz and ts are valid against 10 atm.

But fact is LTD is a luckgame you can compare with poker. So you can higher your chance to win by playing smart but the random "poker" factor will allways be part of this game....

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Re: ltd is so random

Postby Meshtar » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:38 am

What n1ll3 said. Game has a very big random factor and sometimes very frustrating, because no matter how smart you play, there is nothing you can do to influence luck. Examples you mentioned just say that building and placement help you do better on average, but can never help you against the way that bosses spawn for example, or against they way that sends spawn on 15 or 17. I think it always was random in its core, but with more units and more metas it just became more obvious, there is nothing else Brouder did that made it more random :)

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