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Postby m4nsl4ughter » Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:23 am

Your Warcraft III username: Gu3ssWh0
Realm/Gateway: wc3connect
Why are you banned: I am unsure why I am banned. It says rangeban, but i have no clue and I can't find a ban request.
Why you should be unbanned: I am not aware of why I am banned.

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Re: Gu3ssWh0

Postby m4nsl4ughter » Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:43 am

says I'm banned til 2020 and the admin is Desire. I am very confused. If it is a year long ban shouldn't there at least be a ban request regarding it? I am very confused about this. I barely get to play and the weekends is when i get to. This just kinda puts a damper on my weekend. I don't leave games and i dont rage quit. So i am unsure what is going on. Please let me know.

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Re: Gu3ssWh0

Postby Unitil » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:27 am

Looks like you were given a whitelisted account for Gu3ssWh0#entconnect back in August, however, you were attempting to use IDKWhatImDoing#entconnect

Do you wish to continue using Gu3ssWh0 or would you like to switch it to IDKWhatImDoing
Do note, you're allowed one whitelisted account, and can swap it every 30 days.


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Re: Gu3ssWh0

Postby m4nsl4ughter » Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:27 am

Oh, no i'll keep Gu3ssWh0. can you explain a little bit further? i can make a new name after 30 days if i want? or i have to just keep using the same name and message you guys if i want to switch?

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Re: Gu3ssWh0

Postby FalenGa » Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:33 pm

You are caught in a range ban. That range ban was placed to prevent a ban dodger from joining games.

We noted you are innocent and whitelisted gu3sswh0. You can only have one account whitelisted at all times, and you can change that account once every 2 months.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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