Vouch Request Milkyway

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Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby fillebanan » Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:51 pm

Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: None besides 1200+ (Unless early D3 counts)
Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Milkyway / Fillebanan / LTDMEGAnoobs / Zeus
What is your Discord account? Zeus87
If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: I would say pretty much everyone. I can not really say I approached anyone over discord or anything. But with thousands of games in 1200 I would say I played with most people over the years.
Do you have Gproxy installed? Yes
Attach at least three LTD Mega 3.42 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL):
Semi holder
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Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test): Will do
Any additional information that you would like to provide: If it requires me to join LIHL and focus a bit more instead of chilling in 1200 I am in! Not ready to give up LTD yet! Cheers
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Last edited by fillebanan on Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby paschy90 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:34 pm

No support!

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby JoanBaez » Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:41 pm

He has alot of quality and with lihl play he will improve alot, im sure. Good aittude what I have experince.

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby inQ » Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:22 pm


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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby epicdeath » Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:34 am

@filebanan your second replay is corrupted, none of the creeps spawn on my screen and nobody appears to build after level one. We can watch a random replay instead but if you'd like to replace it with a different one feel free to use the edit function on your original post.

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby FadingSuns » Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:08 am


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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby point » Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:10 pm

i remember you were banned for streamsniping not so long time ago, considering this i no support you(simply because i bealive people never changes)

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby fillebanan » Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:43 pm

I like point how you say "not so long time ago", 1 year basically (In my reality that is a massive amount of time). And I have no remorse from doing that since all the harassment from masterofthepit and that Aussie guy. (And funny fact, LIHL people normally state that they allow people to change over time but you just said you aint for that =)). Lifetime judgement in a dying community seems legit :)

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby thegreatMOAMOA » Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:54 am


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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby skarking » Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:28 am

lvl 1 ts start 2/0, other team sends warr.
Leak 40+ to king you go 3/0.
Add wanderer for 2 leak quiet big and add tot for 3 and u hold (I dont like that you pushed one just to leak 2, you could add another wanderer or t1)
Your team decides to send 4, u stay 3/0 and call your holder just before lvl start which is OK but personally i dont like it since orange is also staying low, in a slow game. But you and your team was scared 4 so guess its fine yeah.
Your team sends 4 and they also leak 40+ to king and you stay low.
You send 7 with 2 holders and you do fine.
You OB 1300 val lvl 8 to catch 3 lanes leak. (wasnt needed that much but guess its fine also)
You kill 1 boss and 2 boss survive with 10% hp each (bad luck could have been mid for sure.)
Didnt watch past lvl 10 since 15 was your chance and they outrolled you.

With tot/ts/wanderer you did have some wats of yoloing hard if you wanted to since it was a really slow game.
Game was OK, not really sure why u called it Yolo mate when u stayed super low until lvl 10 :)
You communicated with team but you called holder just before lvl 4 send and mudman asked you to push some, so i think communication could been better and saying you would holder so everyone knew about it earlier.
Build was ok, placement just some minor mistake´(Would just place wanderer 1 space more back)
Other then that i think it was a fine game.

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby Anda » Sat Sep 21, 2019 7:32 am

- provided 1
- ygg game

- good build for 3 with 3x tribe

- you end up with 2ygg 2 alpha 1 tribe for 7 which is fine i guess since other holder. Still I think that its either better to aim for a strong hold (3 ygg) or push more and only 1 alpha or so for freehold

- the wanderer should be behind the alphas

- dont know why you built another tribe on 8, you would hold anyways and eating a few more 0 bounty leaks mid isnt too helpful

- good build 10 and good hold 12

- rest of the game was fine

- overall good replay

- provided 2
- sg start

- unfortunately the replay is corrupted and none of the creeps spawn for me.

- provided 3
- harlot game

- bit of a latepush on 3, not too bad just make sure ur focused/have a plan for the next lvls

- staying 7/2 here is a pretty bad decisionwith 2 people staying 7/2 neither of whom are all that great vs 10 is a recipe for 2x stuck 7/3 and then being unable to race 15.

- green decided to push and you stay and mid so allg

- game is fine from here, you guys lose 15

- overall decent game

Ty for replay analysis @skarking, though i personally judge that game harder and dont think it was played so well.

That being said , the stream snipe bothers me. I checked up the penalty and u were given 21 days instead of normal mh bantime, so it seems in general to be judged lighter.For me as a person it doesnt make a difference.I absolutely loath cheaters.What worries me is also the fact that you show no remorse towards the people u did it against, mainly cause u consider them huge dicks. Im not gonna retalk everything that was said about this topic, just u remember when u play lihl and you dont get along with somebody that argumentation wont be accepted. You dont deserve the trialshot due to cheating, but ill give it to you since ur one of the only persons i remember playing with in the past on 1200 bot and i know u as a rather friendly and able teamplayer. Replays also support a close + for a trial.Feedback is kinda mixed
That being said, keep in mind u have to work against the reputation that people have of you because u did cheat before, hence i expect top manners and fairplay.When people in this community annoy u, remember that we didnt need to let you in, but gave a shot anyway even though u cheated before.Just as an input for future ;)

Vouched as Milkyway@entconnect

http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... :LIHLGuide get to know our specific game rules, if u need explanation of smth just msg me.

Also, your need to change your discord name to Milkyway when u sign up for a lihlgame (nn to make a new, justchange in the personal setting)

Welcome n enjoy your stay.

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby Krocis » Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:02 pm

i !nospport this trial, rly bad builds, he no idea about team needs

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Re: Vouch Request Milkyway

Postby fillebanan » Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:34 pm

If you talking about the game we played today when you alone wanted 17 when that was auto loose I strongly have to disagree. You asked me why I did build TS and I polite said for anti 15 since that was only chance(Did rr and went for hr for 17). None else said anything and 14-skip 17 call from you where autofail (we got recked 17, all 4 lanes leaked bad). Litterly zero I could have done to change the outcome of the game. Then directly you write this :) But I would like you to point out the bad games please so I can take a look at them.

I am very open minded when it comes to communication but then it has to be some communication. I tried talking to team for 15/inc 17 etc.

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