item destroy

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item destroy

Postby iambackk » Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:22 am

Your Warcraft III username: ifckursister
reported player : gayant
Why are you banned:
Why you should be unbanned: ... 092713.w3g

@halo_mauler destroyed items min :
he do that every games, he was vs me many times, also u should ban that lina for refusing the vk, its the same guy master_pain reported the appeal before.

(17:38 / All) ifckursister: he destroyed all items
(17:38 / All) ifckursister: oj
(17:38 / All) andek: kick
(17:39 / All) ifckursister: !votekick gaya

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Re: item destroy

Postby DitchPig » Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:00 am

master pain and you are actually posting ban requests huh? when you infact ruin multiple games daily. you throw tantrums evrytime you lose then you make a fake account to vent throw and make other players feel as crappy as you play. grow up ur cancer to this community, elo means the world to you, you continually plant, constantly stack and make games toxic just so can get elo to make up for ur small microdick. the admins should put dota back on shuffle/balance. that way games could be worth playing agian rather than one team always having a massive handicap

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Re: item destroy

Postby israel04 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:02 am

gayant is known as mega ruinner please give him hard ban

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