Ifck maphack

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ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby bansheex » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:54 am


I have played lots of games against this guy and there have been lots of wtf moments where it just seems like he is doing crazy wtf things that only a maphacker can do. Watch this replay at 22:30. I start to solo rosh in the fog. They have no wards and clinkz is on the other side of the map. Spec is sitting in his base with his ult ready, waiting to use it. Slark starts battling dk and luci ults him without an aghs. At this moment, slark's death is not certain. Spec can totally ult him right here and make sure that the hero who has been dominating them finally dies. Clinkz can also make an effort to go just a bit north and save his teammate. Instead, clinkz runs all the way to the other side of the map and someone pings fog rosh the first and only time in the game. Miraculous timing to check rosh! Clinkz goes in and spec ults me, I lothar out and barely survive. Spec does an incredible job of following the dagger trail as it overlaps itself. Then he fog daggers me right on target but its just short. This sequence of events is so bizarre and incredible, I have to believe that the guy is either a dota genius who should be playing in the pro circuits or a big fat maphacker trying to flip the game around.

edit: the replay is now too old to be downloaded, so here it is as an attachment
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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby Timmy1233 » Wed May 04, 2022 11:21 pm

Pretty sure this guy is plain mher. I' was playing against him (and checked replay) when I was roshing solo and he tells his team I'm roshing without any wards or anything. I also played another game, this time on his team, where he tells us the enemy is roshing (and is correct), without any wards. He always gives orders to his team that clearly only someone would do with complete vision. We tried to ban this guy and his dumb friend mercy but the admins didn't want to review.

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby CatDog00000001 » Sun May 22, 2022 9:25 pm

rosh stomps the enemy can hear it so if hes good he will know. also he plays the same heros spect and slark super op late game, and easy feed vs noobs

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby bansheex » Sun Jun 05, 2022 4:54 pm

CatDog00000001 wrote:rosh stomps the enemy can hear it so if hes good he will know. also he plays the same heros spect and slark super op late game, and easy feed vs noobs

Are you drunk? Soloing rosh does not produce stomp sounds. There have to be 3 units near Rosh for him to stomp.

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby CountChocula96 » Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:05 pm

yes. Him and no_mercy.

it's amazing how he is not permabanned yet and continues to play.
"you the biggest wack job on dead ent" -burberry; Flamer/Fan; DotA

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby SCer » Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:24 am

Yes, he is an obvious mher.
watch replay at about 9:20, sniper was not interested in farming creep at mid tower but instead heading to tech without vision.
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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby SCer » Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:01 am

8:15. storm told ursa that found axe in wood without any vision. and then storm was heading to axe directly even not take incoming rune.
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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby RichardCoffee » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:12 am

he's lately been suiciding into mines on purpose lately after ppl noted he never once gets caught or ganked in games LOL

This thread is amazing. Let's fill it with more evidence folks. Hopefully permaban coming shortly. I'll scan some replays and submit more when I have the time.

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby iambackk » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:44 am

so so i have so much fun reading you and i guess thats why admin don't check that appeal, this is pathetic hate.
before you ask me how i know that, i want you to know that i was an admin for many years and maphack doesn't reveal mines, i hope you feel more and more stupid now?
axe missing from map since wood early game, WHO NEED 10 YEARS OF DOTA EXPERIENCE TO KNOW HE IS WOOD? i checked 2 spot, one was empty, i found him next one and i wasn't alone.
about the 1st pathetic report, you have to know spec ultimates show global map XD and you blame me cause clinkz showed me ur hero at rosh? wait you saying slark got ultied by doom (without aghanim), and u blame me and accused me to mapahck because i didn't used ulti to kill him? hahahahaahaha, slark passiv still works if doom has no agha stupid idiot, i'm sorry for bad words admins, but this is so pathetic...
i have to remember you i play dota since 16 years, so maybe i have some knowledge you dont have? just ask me in game why i did this move or this move and i will always explain you everything.
When u see one strange move u cry maphack like a pathetic looser but when i get ganged many games by bara or other stuff, you strangly spame "you stoped to maphack"? so i have to play the way you want ?
stop your pathetic reports and give them something real please, and you won't have it simply because i dont maphack idiot.
the most funny thing is i found you maphacking 2 of you richard and chocolate with total fog spells used without anything on ur status who can show you here is a hero or not a single vision for a long time, but i dont even ahve time to report u i dont give a fuck about you because mh or not you are bad players.
Best regards to you, stupid players without any knowledge and pathetic low skilled players
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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby gQuest » Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:17 pm

why you guys even play this game still on here? aha... iambackk is top player on here shows how bad dota is these days. He used to do badly against higher level players on here.... all the actual good players are gone. You guys complaining about mh, i highly doubt he mh but he isn't good... you guys are just BAD -_-. just the truth, sorry. I used to destroy him every game mid and he would feed and rage. Now he's the top dota player here. Haha, funny! You best believe IamBackk was dodging games against Smoker_, Frank, zam, brando, dragon, and all the other good players on here that I forget atm.

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Re: ifckur is a giant maphack - yes or no

Postby RichardCoffee » Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:22 am

gQuest wrote:why you guys even play this game still on here? aha... iambackk is top player on here shows how bad dota is these days. He used to do badly against higher level players on here.... all the actual good players are gone. You guys complaining about mh, i highly doubt he mh but he isn't good... you guys are just BAD -_-. just the truth, sorry. I used to destroy him every game mid and he would feed and rage. Now he's the top dota player here. Haha, funny! You best believe IamBackk was dodging games against Smoker_, Frank, zam, brando, dragon, and all the other good players on here that I forget atm.

He used to not mh and was just good to ok player.

Then he installed MH about 2 years ago. He is ungankable in fog and just farms all game until he has op items, while of course ganking all enemy team when its 1v2 or 1v3 in his favor.

Just consider that no_mercy used to be a 700 elo shit player, now is 1600 elo+ in less than a year after constantly playing with him.

If you want further proof, he was literally permabanned in past for MH on another account. He used to play as 'autumns' a French slark that also had MH on. Same exact play style, ungankable all game but ganking everyone and pinging/chatting enemy to team.

Autumns was permanently banned for MH. If you don't believe me its him, look how he writes. (Note: in this thread, he was unbanned after his fake defenses, but then permanently banned again 1 week later after FalenGA discovered indisputable proof). Both French IP. Exact same guy:


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Ifck maphack

Postby RichardCoffee » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:02 am

http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 118437.w3g

All times are in-game times with replay timer.

08:00 - HIGHLY SUSPICOUS. Plays very aggressively mid, then starts to back after pudge begins going to top rune. All in fog. Begins moving 2 seconds BEFORE pudge comes into view at 08:20

08:34 - looks like ifck is about to gank bot, furi pings, but he doesn't listen to furi. Begins playing aggressively again at mid. Out of fog pudge had left. But he could not know pudge had left the area.

09:24 - Pings at 09:23 to pudge.

14:00 - Appears to stop at lvl 2 tower in bot lane. He is facing north. He seems to be moving based on fog movements of heros near secret shop. All totally in fog. It is not illogical for him to stop a little to rest. But it is totally illogical for him to face north, and then go north towards 2 heros in fog to cut them off. Non-mh dota players would not do this, because they would not know which direction the enemy will be coming from.
->14:11. After facing north, the exact second pudge comes on minimap and bites naix, he TPs to top tower.

21:00 - Pings, but before units even show up? Only thing that happened was an arrow from wind. That means his screen had to be watching naix, instead of the 1,000 other places of map.

22:18 - Mass pings to attack mid ogre, but 3 enemies are in fog. He seems to attack and b at exactly right time. What if 2-3 heros were waiting in ambush or pushing? And by the way, this is assuming perfect map knowledge (which is impossible for a human being to do - too many things going on in minimap - even players with mh cant' keep up with all the mini dots).

About 23:10 - Very low suspicion moment, but noteworthy with other evidence. Notice how in team fight he jumps in a way to totally avoid pudge hook by going left into wood. Pudge is totally hiding, ready to hook.

24:40 - For first time in 10 minutes +, he finally starts heading top again. Why? because Sent team is split up, and 2 are top, while other sent members are elsewhere. This player is making illogical moves. At 25:00 pudge writes a message: "wanna know why it seems like i hack? because I move based on assumption that you maphack." Exactly at this time that PL starts coming, pudge saves himself by running from the PL gank. This is funny proof that PL mh. In middle of LIVE GAME, pudge is literally mocking him in real-time by saying that he avoided death because he moves by assuming ifck is maphacking and sees him.

25:11 - He loses sight of pudge. He stops following. Then he goes top where other sent hero is. Seriously? So illogical. Unless you remove the fog.

25:45 - PROOF. This is a VERY interesting exchange. Please follow the movements slowly. Pause slowly, then unpause, and watch. He first steers his team to go mid and bot, following pudge (mostly in fog, but pudge appears once in a while for a second). They completely lose sight of pudge, including husk who blinks.
However, Pudge is secretly hiding in a blind-spot, a wood corner, and they have no vision. His team bypasses it. PL is ONLY ONE who goes into the wood corner heading bot, conveniently where pudge is hiding! However, because pudge assumes his vision is seen in ifck games, RIGHT BEFORE PL WILL STUMBLE ON HIM - HE BLINKS INTO ANOTHER HIDING SPOT. PL totally lost sight of pudge, despite the attempt to "accidentally" discover him heading bot.

At 29:10 - He starts dewarding secret shop mountain area. Obviously this is risky, since lina is alive and can come kill him, and his own team is missing. He is attacking rune, but then runs. Since I'm on sent, I know what we see, and see him hesitating and acting like he will go back. I call it out in our allied chat "he mh" "he sees Lina" (even though ALL fog). This is suspicious. This player knows when to take risks, and when not. He thus has never made 1 mistake this entire game that gets him killed. Not 1!

30:15 - He knows all of sent is mid, and his team is going mid. He pings at 30:23 to top, where no heros are. Strange ping if you assume no MH, but if you know he mh, he is signaling to team to run from mid and go top (where there is no gank coming).

33:00 - Confidently pushes out lane again, completely aggressive and solo. Then when sent team is gathering for a fight, he runs to secret shop to grab a TP for fight he knows will come.

33:50 - Husk sees 1 hero at top rune. He is nearby, hesitating, wondering whether to fight or not. Then he mass pings to husk who is slowly afterward surrounded by enemy sent in fog, all the while he is alone right near by, just waiting, and then decides to creep....5 steps away from enemy team, creeping. How does he know which direction they will go afterward?

39:45 - HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS. Goes bot rune to take invis rune. Is invis and heads top. At the same time, a pudge in sent forest is coming top (all in fog). While invis, he suddenly heads to bot rune a little, and waits. Then goes back to creeping. Unless you turn off fog, this moment was totally illogical. With fog off, he was clearly waiting for pudge to come and be ganked. When that didn't happen, he went back to creeping neutrals.

40:28 - CAUGHT RED HANDED. After creeping neutrals, he quickly starts heading top next. There an SK is completely in fog about to come for husk. At the exact MILLISECOND the SK appears, ifck pings and continues his direction.
40:28 - 40:50 - Look at this exchange. Again more dancing with enemy in fog. He goes exact opposite direction as enemy. With fog on, he would have logically no clue where they are. But he is going in favorable direction each and every time in teamfights. Problem is, he was not expecting his team to get ganked with a hook in hidden wood spot. He then panic pings mid after going top, and RUSHES back to help his team.

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Re: Ifck maphack

Postby iambackk » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:27 am

i finally found the way to check the replay so my answer is in the last post.
Last edited by iambackk on Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ifck maphack

Postby RichardCoffee » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:38 am

iambackk wrote:
about the last move, seriosuly you should solve you brain problems and stop hating people, richard dont let me start checking ur replays it will be super funny and it will be ONLY OBVIOUS MAPHACK MOVES because you used it and not me.

Please, by all means, go ahead and put your evidence. Nobody on ENT has accused me on MH. Meanwhile people dodge ur games in lobby (many regularly, including me) mocking you saying they won't play with a maphacker.

The reason you think I MH is because I move assuming you have vision of me. Get it? The joke is on you. Your 'proof' is your own evidence against yourself lol.

God of mars is a real pro. (No MH detected)

Hakabuu is a real pro. (No MH detected).

Lex is a real pro. (No MH detected)

You? You're just some fat virgin dude that installed MH and is about to have a mid-life crisis after permaban.

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Re: Ifck maphack

Postby iambackk » Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:33 am

OKEY i found the way to watch replays.
some game time or elapsed time are wrong so i correct it.

08:00 real game time is 5:44 // 1st i was playing very safe mid, because lina spaming spells a lot, i could farm one lane cause lina low mana, then if u tell the truth, i take my chick back to bottle crow... and i do that at tower...then u appear front of me. and i decided to check rune bot seeing the time.
08:34 is at 6:00 i pinged to the rune bot, not furion, to tell him to let me rune...
09:24 - is at 6:54 you were visible chasing the chicken... showing how pathetic is ur report.
14:00 is at 11:37, i stayed 2 times before this game time, "not moving the hero for a while" because i tryed to kick furion in all chat as you can see, and yes we saw you using a hook on naix and i tped fast, i dont even know if i came for you or to get the only lane visible and pushed.when i watch north, this is just when i click with mouse and the hero stop to moves lol...
21:00 elapsed time we clearly saw that arrow from wind on naix i was just close to this spot at secret shop, with naix one second before
22;18 elapsed time i ping on ogre to tell my friend huskar to go him, so if other heroes aren't visible i can't ping a hero front of me to gang him? you lying, i didn't "hit and back at right time" i killed ogre and i went base heal after having 100hp...
23:10 elapsed time wtf you talk about? lina used ulti instantly on me, so i went to fight him, i have no idea what you talk about seriously...
24:40 elapsed time, we have a wards showing you top rune, and going our wood, so after finishing my lane of creeps i went our wood to check for you and to also go to wind top pusihg, strangly you dager out withotu seeing my hero and you explain that by saying "i know you maphack so i know you see my hero" hahaha funny way to dodge the fact that u are mhing.
25;45 elapsed time, all your team is not visible and we saw you going to the bot rune so i actually pinged to roshan '(you were not even roshing to prove you i dont maphack), but i moved here, after pinging to make team follow me,
25:11 elapsed time, it isnt logical to stop searching a hero if i dont found him when i had a small vision of him 20sec before? and also a hero top alone izi to be ganged? especially when naix inside me? and at 26:14 zeus used ulti and it showed you and also you used hook on naix so what is suspicious here? you are just very stupid...
29:10 elapsed time, we actually won the team fight at 28:55 only hero left was lina very low hp (arround 300hp last time visible) and because i needed long time to deward a spot u suspect me to mh because this is "risked to do that"? (also i had the centaur creep of huskar showing your bot rune) then lina showed hero at mid lane.
30:10 elapsed time, are you stupid richard? we saw ogre chasing my team mid and i wasn't here, even zeus tell the team to go back because i was farming bot lane, i never pinged top lane i pinged on my own hero (if this ping is really from me) because i think it was zeus ping.
33:00 elapsed time, i tped top at 32:50 to farm the big lane, all your team was dead, i bought a tp at 33:39 because your team was just alive? and their is a t1 on your side so i dont wanna solo die? i did not even tp because i needed 200g for an item
33:50 elapsed time, your team was clearly visible on huskar, i did not moved the hero and never had intention to fight because i as typing to huskar to stop solo + won't die when i needed atm 100g for my item.
39:45 elapsed time, i took rune bot invis, so if i follow your words, i maphack, so why i did not go in ur wood when you were farming alone? i just stoped to move my hero and turn back just a little idk why actually if i really had maphack i would go to your wood found you and i could explain the move by saying "i took rune invis and closely all team was dead".
40:28 elapsed time, we saw sk top, i was full focusing on huskar game play because he usually feeds a lot and i spamed him the whole game to stop solo !!! their is a mini map showing color of heroes so i just pinged in a very important moment of the game (one wrong move and it was lost) 40:42 i could farm because naix warded our wood so i could see you coming + i needed 100g to finish satanic...

so after spending 1 hour to check all ur stupid "suspicious moves", i hope u finally understand u aren't able to check a replay and all the moves u are reporting are totally sensless and you just showing hates for no reason, maybe because i am just better than you.


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