iambackk wrote:thanks for suggestion, denied ofc, you are a troll player, i suggest you to play bnet and improve if you can improve something because i think you are not a person who can play dota.
Reading your topic is making me laugh really i never found so bad excuses to get an unban.
You ruined enough games for the whole community (even me), i told you i'm not joking with you, i am not letting you destroy this league who's having less and less players
1 - I am not trying to destroy anything here, dude. I like ent. Didnt like it very much when Falenga or Astros turned into it a Gullag, but latelly its been a pretty nice community. In fact, THOSE TWO were destroying ent. You guys did pretty well getting rid of them, even though looks like astros is still b*tthurt, blaming the actual moderation team for what he calls "incompetent low iq pool of players". If it were up to him, ENT would have no more than a handfull of players and we would have went back to the days when moderators could switch players from team to team in order to make 1/29 elo stacked matches.
2 - Im glad i made you laught. Laughing is good for the skin, mental health and spirit.
3 - I excused myself pretty well on the PM i sent you: i've been building different items such as (but not limited to) satanic, assault, linkens, butterfly, scepters, travels etc (depending on the match's specific momentum and needs). Not to mention the usual S&Y, Cristalis and others. I gank, i ward, i push, i rax, i help roshing, i bait, i trap, etc. My ratios have improved. I even ended a few games between the top killers on my team.
4 - I DO NOT troll on purpose. In fact i do not troll at all, despite what you guys think. Trolling is just no t fun, and i play DOTA to have fun.
5- I am not joking with you either. I am being honest as i always am when i have to speak to the community.
09/14 was just a very bad night, and i apologised the whole community for that.
Since my 1st plea bargain was denied, i propose a 2nd one: 8 days ban. 2 for each terrible game i played.