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Postby mk4r32 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:30 pm

Can you guys reset his elo back to 1K?

This would make him stop throwing as he's on a mission to get to negative ELO.

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Re: planaria

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:16 pm

Many people have done this before. Better to ban than to reset or they keep doing it. But someone will need to care enough to go check games and make a report with timestamps.

Off topic:
Also throwback to the time someone tried to make an account with only losses on it, and they had a mod banning people for 5 days if they made him win instead (which he didn't want) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: viewtopic.php?f=24&p=517095#p517069
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Re: planaria

Postby iambackk » Thu Oct 17, 2024 12:13 pm

@planaria explain me how you can have the lowest elo of this league ? i should actually perma ban you for having this 300 elo because you clearly don't have the skill level to play this league, so i ask you, i can reset your account and let you a chance to improve, what you think about it?
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mk4r32 (Thu Oct 17, 2024 2:58 pm)

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Re: planaria

Postby planaria » Thu Oct 17, 2024 1:34 pm

I think you should ask yourself if you prefer a league full of players with new accounts just to hide their bad behavior in the game or decent players who just want to have some fun during their difficult days. Moreover, why do you think I will be improved if you reset my account? I don't play for stats. I have been playing this game for 20 years now... And one question: let's say you reset my account. Then what? you will ban the next ''lowest elo player''?...Do whatever you want dude. Please consider what I wrote in this post...

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Re: planaria

Postby Linflas » Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:20 pm

I have played with planaria many, many times, he is not a ruiner/thrower, this guy is just bad. It's not just elo that should be considered, it's also k/d ratio which characterises the player even more accurate, and is exactly the same in both cases: 0.7 to 1 - planaria and mk4r32. Planaria is not the only newbie here.
Last edited by Linflas on Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: planaria

Postby iambackk » Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:28 pm

okey i have one question then, how you play for 20 years this game and have still 320 elo ?
I mean even durnk with drugs i can't afford this elo, this is to much. You need a minimum skill to play here, i am not asking you to be a pro player, just normal one.
It's not like your elo is just bad, this is absolutely horrible.
i know he is not a ruiner, but as i said you need a little skill here.

Please try to improve, you choose if i reset or not the account but this one is a dead account for me.
I want you to improve a little.

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Re: planaria

Postby DitchPig » Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:58 pm

@iamback hes clearly playing for low elo... many games in the past he just goes afk when your winning to ensure you lose. please reset he account or just delete it so he has to start over. apparently he can use words like "more over" and use proper grammar in a sentence so hes clearly not retarded. do the community a favour and get rid of that account so he doesnt feel the need to throw games to stay at 300 elo. why someone is allowed to go below 500 - 600 elo is beyond me. hes been playing for ten years trolling almost every game.

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Re: planaria

Postby mk4r32 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:12 pm

Linflas wrote:I have played with planaria many, many times, he is not a ruiner/thrower, this guy is just bad. It's not just elo that should be considered, it's also k/d ratio which characterises the player even more accurate, and is exactly the same in both cases: 0.7 to 1 - planaria and mk4r32. Planaria is not the only newbie here.

Lothos, you are entitled to your own opinion but you hold zero weight based on your game play and knowledge.

I know this cuz you don't know the difference between feeding and a player dying and sacrificing himself for the team.

You play ogre as a custodian/clean up hero and stay hidden when you are suppose to initiate/tank/stun support. Why do you think you have a low win rate when you play? Cuz you sit back, always the last one to join a fight and you talk shit when your team ends up doing badly by calling it feeding.

KDR matters but not in this case. Planaria is actually a better player than you but he trolls for lower elo. He was losing so badly, that actually became his main goal.

Why do you think Robin has a high KDR when he starts off with a new account but 0 wins? He's a prime example of a custodian player that waits to clean up. You think high KDR SB with lothars that runs and charges to clean up after a team fight is a good player cuz of his high KDR?

There are good low KDR players with high assists meaning they are playing a good game as a support for their carry in the team meaning they prefer to win the game over kills.
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GodSaveTheQQs (Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:17 pm)

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Re: planaria

Postby showtime18 » Fri Oct 18, 2024 1:21 am

Thank you Planaria, while reading you, I realized a lot of things. You talked about several very important things.
- time to relax
- the problem of 1000 aka players and I am the first. But for me it's not to take revenge or to ruin parties, it's so that the arrogant leave me alone. Yes, the little idiots who like to say mean things and come back under a new name.

In short, I don't want to write a novel here but I am 100% against you leaving this league and I can't wait to play with you.

For me, what I hate the most isn't's playing a game with players who willfully refuse to not listen. Instead of listening and learning, he retaliates by doing the opposite.

When a player takes the lead and starts pinging the map and making calls, all, I mean ALL players on the team must cooperate.


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Re: planaria

Postby tiggins » Sat Oct 19, 2024 5:18 am

mk4r32 wrote:I know this cuz you don't know the difference between feeding and a player dying and sacrificing himself for the team.

This is probably the smartest statement I have ever seen on this entire message board. I'm not here to debate about Planaria, but to simply give highlight to this quote as I believe that most players left here (pro or noob) lack this fundamental understanding and is the main reason why most games on Ent have become total crap.

There's very few players left who are willing to bite the bullet and pick sacrificial heros to help the team win. Why is that? Because sacrificial heros will have a KD of 0-10. They're tasked with being on the front lines. They're tasked with keeping games afloat until minute 30+ until the carry-pickers are buff enough to actually carry. If the team ends up losing, they're easy scapegoat for their low KD score. If the team ends up winning, the very carries they helped throughout the game turn around and berate them for their awful score. You have idiots of this world like Jazzy, who constantly cry and only point to KD as a measure of a player's worth. If you have the worst KD on your team, the people with no understanding of this game automatically assume that that player gave the least amount of contribution to the team.

So what has happened as a result of this fear of being the scapegoat? Everyone picks slark, sniper, void, spec, etc. Whether they're qualified to play those heros is irrelevant. Whether the team already has 2 or 3 carries is irrelevant. Or if not a super carry, they'll pick some ww hero (i.e. Jazzy with NA) where hiding and preserving your KD is a sure way you can deflect blame due to your low death count.

It's a sad state this game is in and unless we get rid of apem (go back to arem) or get rid of stats, this will probably be the mentality of the game until it withers away and dies.
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GodSaveTheQQs (Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:01 pm) • mk4r32 (Sat Oct 19, 2024 1:22 pm)

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