Oldman wrote:@astros I would like to address the issue regarding the votekick system. It seems there may be some misunderstandings about the intentions of Halo. Halo has clearly stated that the misuse of the votekick feature is not permissible. This function exists for legitimate reasons and should not be exploited. Furthermore, Halo is open to unbanning the player involved, provided they acknowledge their mistake; however, the player has not chosen to respond
There is no misunderstanding. I don't disagree or agree with the ban. It's probably the correct ban under normal circumstances.
My qualm is about how evident ruiners aren't banned despite violating a more severe rule. SonGoku has been documented and reported for using VPN at least 5+ times here and he has denied or refused to ban him every instance. The use of VPN's is treated as severe as maphack = one year ban. But he has no issue banning one of the most active and one of the very few good players remaining on here for votekick abuse that is generally treated as a warning? Judging by the player's history, it would probably be ideal to issue a warning as beautifully illustrated by iambackk. But Halo is incapable of using logic so he doesn't take into account player history, player activity, player intentions, etc.,
Halo follows the rules conveniently to ban players who have stated he is poor at moderating but ignores the rules to not ban a clear violator who is using a VPN?
Of course the player won't respond. Have you ever spoken to Halo? It's like speaking to a potato. I had to mute the guy on Discord because he was so dumb I couldn't believe it.