... 237345.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #31
Your Warcraft III Username: Maliss<C>TB-11
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Jazzy3113
Violated Rule(s): refusing to play
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
(02:17 / Allied) Jazzy3113: slark is astros or ifck or some shit, hes raped last two games, i will only ult him
That was me @Jazzy3113
(08:42 / Allied) Jazzy3113: we can ff at 9
(11:04 / Allied) Jazzy3113: ff?
(11:12 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !ff
(26:08 / Allied) Jazzy3113: kick me if u want
(26:14 / Allied) Jazzy3113: im not leaving base to feed anymore
(28:16 / Allied) Jazzy3113: have fun submitting me
He refused to play the last 6 minutes of the game completely and was sitting behind fountain.
He could have left and take the auto ban but instead decided to do that (they still had all t3 tower, so no rax yet, the game was expected to take more that 5min).
Actually i was not going to post this ban request, because ifck does not have infinite time and even if posted I thought a warning ban would have been enough to keep track of that behavior, also because there only win condition at this point was me disconnect and my team being unable to use my hero to end the game.
But with what he is doing in other games as well viewtopic.php?f=7&t=148249#p568558 , it does not seem to be an isolated case and even playing worse than the people he complain about and report. If you dont count the last 6min he still had less than 1 creep kill per minute with a bloodseeker and playing worse than boby and other who got banned for playing like that.
Right now a ban seems necessary to prevent future toxic behavior.
Edit: to be exact 10min before the end he shortly patrol at fountain but was still playing kinda, until he died again.
5min before the end he patrol behind mid rax watching their t3 tower attacked by just creeps, before he shortly move to bottom t3 tower to kill 2 creeps and then stayed behind fountain.
Edit2: just loocking at last few minutes it doesnt even seem to bad and without everything else keeping track of that would have been enough but it adds up.
Kind regards