To prove I am not insane

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 3:40 pm

Jazzy's forever whining argument is null.

There's only 2 reasons for his rants, he enjoys the attention which we all know and he's delusional and in denial which we also know.

Jazzy is stuck at the level of gameplay he's been at for awhile now and he's basically looking for a scapegoat to unwind.

Bottom line, his games fluctuate heavily due to its dependence on other players.

*Plays a semi carry : which we've seen with his jugg and husk
-Not a real carry
-Doesn't know how to play mid properly
-Doesn't know how to farm correctly
-Joins a team fight ramboing, spamming spells, auto attacking and hoping for the best or joins late if he does
-Doesn't position himself correctly
-Doesn't know when to initiate or retrieve
-Rarely initiates even when he has an advantage for easy kills

jugg.JPG (47.11 KiB) Viewed 609 times

There's a reason why players like Astros/Frank/Nimbus/Mars/Ifck/Daintree all play well. I've seen them carry players like Bobby/Haliente/Papi/Planaria/Kuzko many times and have also seen them have bad games due to early ganks / getting focused which takes the ability to grow as a carry in game.

*Plays a semi support : Silencer/ Omni / NA? / Etc
-Doesn't play his support role properly
-Rarely wards or TPs
-Gives up if the game is not going the right way especially when his carries are getting ganked early
-Griefing,usual toxic all chats semi-afking to talk shit and to preserve his stats

silencer.JPG (56.14 KiB) Viewed 609 times

Blueneme and Mike play great supports. I've never seen them flame or call out their carries or anyone else unless they are intentionally trolling/ruining/soloing and avoiding team fights.

Jazzy is never going to admit to any of this.
This is a guy that actually can't play slark at all and calls out slark players as cheaters.
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:55 pm

Now to be fair to Jazzy, I believe that "Items" display from the replay page fails to load many items. Including Silencer's Aghanims. So he may have had fine items.

That skill build is also wack but it's definitely displaying wrong, like it says he learned ult at level 5

There's no defending his 1/10 jug though. It would be hilarious to see Jazzy try to play Slark and fall flat on his face and go 1/15, and see if he can still defend himself.

Jazzy is stuck at the level of gameplay he's been at for awhile now and he's basically looking for a scapegoat to unwind.

There are many skills in DotA that are extremely hard to learn and require hours of specific practice. However, the ability to not flame teammates, that one is easy and is a free +100 ELO to him when he learns it.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:41 am

You are right, the screenshots are inaccurate, hence did not mention anything about his build per say.

Just wanted to show how he loves aghanim on jugg early and linken on silencer (debatable based on matchup) which aren't the worst but not the best choices.

I was in game where he actually picked slark to take it away from an opposing team and it ended up backfiring and hindered his team to an instant 4 v 5 bc he couldn't play the hero at all.

All I want is him to stop talking nonsense. He's played thousands of games here and should just focus on his gameplay rather than the all chat distraction.

He doesn't ruin on purpose but he griefs hard and makes it unplayable for his team to have any team play once he starts his all chat rants.

No one expects him to carry, he just needs to know his place and play the game without whining every 5 seconds.
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Jazzy3113 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:52 am


That is so unfair. I have improved my gameplay over the past 6 months. Why do you act like I never ever carry with jugg? Its just not true. I post games here to show every single one of you, that people troll me on purpose for no god damn reason. Just look how many ruiners i get. I dont mind people who try and play bad. Or a great player wont carry me? Fine. Recently god of mars sucked hard for me and i didnt post the game.

I only post the pure ruiners and you have to admit I get alot.

Here are some games as jugg im didnt ruin. I dont know why u all think scepter on him is so bad.

lets just randomly look at my last ten games.
completely normal jugg
super support omni
had to ff at 14 mins cause ofc only i get ruiners
bad game as nec
top 2 player on my team as jugg
bad game as storm, but we all sucked
strong game as bara
top 2 as jugg
support omni but lost
lost close game as NA, played well

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Jazzy3113 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:54 am

I understand my complains is bothersome, but you can mute me. I cannot not talk when someone is trolling me on purpose.

And comparing me to ruiners is silly, i never ruin as you can see.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:10 am

ok you the bestest jazzy. Best of luck to you.
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GodSaveTheQQs (Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:18 am)

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:34 am

I didn't tell anyone I was doing this to not bias anything. For the past few days I've been joining Jazzy's games on his team to see if he really gets ruiners. Randomed each game. Unfortunately as Jazzy is banned for griefing, I can't continue. It was the correct decision by mike but bad timing for me! I wanted to do this longer to get a bigger sample size. But as is, the following are all of the games: - A pretty easy game with me messing around on Visage which I have no clue how to play - Comfortably carried by Axe and myself - Easy and chill game, everyone did well, I got best player - Jazzy played this one pretty well - No choice but to join enemy team. I lost (Jazzy won) the game, despite doing very well myself. - Spectre on our team did very well, but Jazzy cried all game anyways - Easy win with me on omni - Carried the game comfortably as Void 28/7. Jazzy ended up 5/14 but he did his job and tanked so I don't mind.

Those are all the games we played together, 8 jazzy wins and 0 losses, so idk. They just felt like normal games to me. I can absolutely conclude after joining his teams to experience his luck: Jazzy does not have bad teammate luck.

He also tried to give me tips which was a bit strange
(41:38 / Allied) Jazzy3113: void u need more damage
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Astros » Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:53 am

Well, Jazzy won't be convinced. And since he was recently banned, he will probably burst into rage blaming Mike for banning him. I would say he should appeal it and he'd likely be unbanned but maybe a few days off to reconsider could do him some help.

Jazzy might be one of the most paranoid individuals I've encountered online. Can't believe he seriously believes that there are people out to join his team to purposely play bad and spend an hour+ of their time to make him upset. Once he drops that nonsensical belief, his gameplay should undoubtedly improve.

On a side note, am I the only one who has noticed that with the removal of Bobby, the game quality has instantaneously improved? Every game he was in was basically a half-assed game. With him out of the picture, the games are more likely to be more competitive. Most of the time, players quickly catch on to who Bobby is and refuse to join his team so you're left with the smart players who avoid him and so the team Bobby is in are the players who just don't give a shit about winning which results in a lopsided match.
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby MIKEJONES » Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:22 pm

Game quality has definitely improved after Bobby is gone.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Jazzy3113 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 1:27 pm


I was not giving you tips, i was making a joke. I had no idea who you were. You were carrying as void and had massive damage, so telling you to get more damage was obviously a joke. As to your experiment, we did not have any ruiners did we? Did I flame or rage or ruin in any of the games you were my teammate? There was one game you mention I cried all game, but did i stop playing once or was I a really helpful omni? And you very well know the reason I was annoyed was void continued to feed over and over and then laugh about it. At least give context man.

But this most recent turn of events is really upsetting. I really have no issue eating a ban when I deserve it. I post so many ban requests it would be disgustingly hypocritical of me to do something ban worthy and not take the ban. And I have been banned in the past by astros for quitting early, afk resetting the timer and refusing to teamplay. And I took those bans without crying, and even stopped appealing them. If I ask for bans, I damn well should accept mine when I'm in the wrong.

But the current ban requests that just happened?

I request an axe for ban. The first comment is from @T-A-Z, a teammate in that game and a respected player on the site. TAZ said, and I quote "Even tho we ended up winning. It did seem he was trolling at times mostly that game. Never went dagger even though we asked 10x times. Was solo probs 30/40 min that game..." And the outcome? No ban and no warning. NOTHING.

@Hunter91 requests me to be banned. The player from the winning team lol. And what is my transgression? I didnt defend hard enough to his liking in a lopsided feed fest. Really? He even edits his request to admit that on further review it doesn't even seem that bad. You all have played so many games with me, where I am getting absolutely smoked, but keep trying as long as there is a chance. This game I asked for ff, but it is not like i stopped playing and ruined. This is really an unfair ban. My whole team got smoked and was walking around at the end.

And on top of it, its not a warning or a 1 day ban. It's a fucking week long ban ahead of the weekend? Why? My ban request that is supported by TAZ is denied, yet hunter's ban request when he is not even on my team is granted for a week? It is like raping as slark in a stack wasn't enough for him, he also wants me banned for not defending well enough late into an unwinnable game? What?

I know everyone's time is limited, but please watch the game if you can, see for yourself. This is really unfair. I even picked seeker to try to counter slark, instead of the heroes i like to play. And three people voted to ff, not just me!

You can always mute me if you don't like how I handle someone trolling me, but the troll's actions cannot be ignored and really affects the game. But everyone seems to hate my complaining more than the actual ruin.

I am comfortable playing on ent. I am an active player and def help fill the games during the slow times early and late. But you jerks want to support a week long ban because I didn't defend hard enough in a game the ban requester HIMSELF admitted was unwinnable at that point? wtf?

Astros and his admin buddies get their wish then. You keep telling me to leave and play at iCCup and bNet. So be it. I cannot comprehend how you all consider me as much a ruiner as the perpetual 700 elos that plague this site, and reject my request and accept Hunter's; it's really fucked up and upsetting. Hunter was on the winning team! Not a teammate!

P.S. If anyone plays on ICCup or used to play there, can you PM me? Have some newb questions about it. It seems to have an active player pool. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Jazzy3113 on Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:37 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:29 pm

Fountain sitting/timer resetting is always bannable even if your team is getting rolled. To give an example of why, this game:

Our Void got owned hard mid against Husk. Bara also charged around ganking us top and we died to him. Bot died a few times. The game was looking like a complete loss. Everyone besides Spec and I was basically saying gg by 10 minutes. Then we completely turn the game around, Spec gets huge farm and we win. If teammates had just given up when things went bad we'd have lost for sure. You never know when a dota game will change.

If you appeal the ban and understand why it's bad to do that, he should unban or shorten it to 1 day or something.

When my team is getting rolled and I feel like I'm just going to die if I go out, I usually try to group with someone who I think is going to get ganked and help them. For example if I see a teammate go into the jungle and I think it's warded, I'll just go slightly outside where I know the ward radius is and lie in wait for the enemies. Or if a carry hero, I do super minimal farming. Like with Sniper, I'll go Shrapnel a creep wave without even showing myself there to get some gold. With a melee hero, literally just last hit 1 or 2 creeps then run. If enemy team pushes too hard on ganking and you play safe, you can end up winning.

I honestly haven't heard you joke around ingame and missed that it was a joke, I apologize for that. But we DID have notoriously horrible players on our team. We had california_gurl playing with us. We had solid players like fullblownaids on the other team. We still won because of solid fundamentals and teamplay.

I don't want you to leave, I just want you to play without flaming your team. Even if you have to be like master_pain and ignore everyone as soon as the game starts it's better...
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Astros » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:34 pm

Hey, I'm the last person you should blame considering I was always fair to you and you know it.

You were banned for leaving and intentionally refusing to play.

I never even made the report. I was just illustrating the hypocrisy behind your ban request in which you commit more egregious offenses but have the nerve to report others.

Mike is more than fair and reasonable.

This is what you do.

"I will not leave or afk in the future even if I believe the game may be over just so I can join the next game in the lobby before it starts."

You'd be unbanned within a few hours.

You weren't banned for your whining or constant nagging so what's the fuss here?
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:50 pm

Refusing to play, hard grief, talking shit nonstop up to a point where it distracts you and everyone else to focus on the actual game…..

Ofc you can mute but that cuts off communication and team play.

You had it coming. 5 days is not harsh especially when Mike will most likely let you slide if you appealed.

The ENT community basically just wants you to stop spamming and just play the game.

But you refuse to do so cuz you are constantly seeking for attention. The irony is, you are probably enjoying all this as much as you are upset cuz people are giving you the interaction you are so thirsty for.

This is on you, nobody else.
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Jazzy3113 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:09 pm

I'm not blaming you astros, but you destroying my genuine ban appeal in favor of a ban for me didn't help. But in know your not a mod and i guess Mike has some vendetta against me.

I do not expect ent to rise up and support me or the community will now die that I'm moving to iccup, but obviously you all agree with Mike i deserve a fucking week long ban and axe deserves nothing apparently. I do not leave games that are possible to win, I sometimes leave right as the enemy is going to throne in order to join the next game. You all know that. Sometimes I time it wrong and get an auto ban and never appeal that.

But for Taz to support my ban request and still axe gets nothing. And for a winning player to want me to get banned after admitting on second review I didn't purposely ruin the game, and I get a fucking week ban ahead of the weekend is really messed up. No one knows me on iccup so at least I cant accuse anyone there of trolling me.

Also, if everyone is saying I ruin harder than the people I believe ruin the games, maybe I am the crazy one. I get super mad when someone feeds, just like i get mad when it happens in call of duty or rainbow 6. I dont understand why people dont just mute me and have rage towards the actual feeders, that i really dont.

A week ban is ridiculous and unfair and not right. Mike gives Hexar gets a two day ban for tossing teammates to death and I get a fucking week for not defending hard enough in a game the ban requester admitted was unwinnable. Did anyone of u even fast forward to the end of the game and watch? I still moved around and defended when I thought it was safe. I didnt not play like youre making it seem.

That is not even handed and you all know it. Super fucked up and hopefully iccup is a better fit for me. Thanks to those that PM'd me and answered my questions, much appreciated.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Astros » Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:18 pm

No one is going to cry or feel pity for you so you can drop the sympathy act.

Take your kids to some place for the weekend and stop crying about how you got banned right before the weekend. Many fathers would take this as an advantage to hang out with their kids. Instead, you're 40 years old whining about how some ENT moderator banned you in a game right as the weekend is coming up, LMAO.... I was banned one week for saying favela boy and to go rob tourists to a Brazilian. You were banned five days for leaving/afking 3 games that your teammates still wanted to play. Don't talk about being unfair or fair.

Canada has some great weather for snowboarding or skiing right now... use this as an opportunity to bond with your kids and take them on a road trip.

Kinda sad you still act like the victim. Yes, go and play in iccup where I am sure the Russians would tolerate your retarded whining while you're 1-10 as a carry hero.
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