To prove I am not insane

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Bobalhao » Fri Feb 28, 2025 5:55 am

For real...

Does anyone still read jazzy?

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Bobalhao » Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:07 am

Jazzy3113 wrote:Bobby!

I know that no one cares, but I was typing in a website that started with an E and the ENT address populated and I remembered my favorite dota site!

I hope the games have been less drama filled without me this past month!

I never thought I would find another site to use, but it was funny how I found my way to RGC and iCcup. I had submitted one of my usual ban requests, I think it was against an axe, and I even got TAZ to comment in support. So, I was relieved that since I had a good player backing me up, finally one of my ban requests would go through. But lo and behold, astros and hunter somehow convinced the mods that the guy shouldn’t be banned and then got me a week-long ban for whining in game and not playing well.

I think the game I got a week ban for I was seeker, and my team got totally destroyed. I obviously kept playing, but because I kept asking the team to just ff, I ate a ban, even though all players on my team had similar scores and hero levels.

I felt it was so unfair given the other guy admitted to ruining and in my case I just didn’t play well (along with my whole team), I actually went ahead downloaded the other wc3 clients.

After my ban, which I’m sure everyone here thought was justified since I complain like a baby so much, I decided to play under a new name. Figuring a new name and not talking would prevent the bad players from ruining my games and stop the good players from not taking my games seriously and using them as opportunities to mess around with unusual heroes.

But the community is so small I guess people can figure me out fast and mk4r32 in this thread figured out my new name and posted it (Vulture). Once he did that, my games once again turned to crap almost instantly. Although I don’t blame him, it’s not his job to keep my name anonymous.

And I always thought once I went back to playing under Jazzy, my breaking point would either be due to the uptick in racism I started getting from people like -- astros, the guy who keeps ban dodging and making white supremacy names, or the guy who always picks husk (and again, that’s my fault for being honest about my race but still…) -- or from the people I am sure ruin my games on purpose like Trader and eastybeasty and super baller.

But the person who finally broke my spirit here was NubiDubi lol. I remember the series of games that day and there was a really good player with me all day called kinectic1. I am not sure if you will ever read this kinectic1, but if you do, please comment, and let me know if you remember Nubi and what he did to me that day lol.

I had already lost like 5 straight games. And then…

The series of games that broke my ent spirit!
Nubi was 3-6 zeus. Doesn’t seem bad, but if you want to waste time watching the replay he was never around team and used his ult for just one thing…ksing teammate.
Nubi was 0-11 as zeus. No one else in the game had more than 5 deaths. Items made no sense, movements made no sense, just brutal. No way a rationale person can claim this was anything but a purposeful ruin.
Nubi was finally against me for the last game of the night. I was happy, finally he’s against me and I can have a fun game and win. Nubi went 7-8-8 as naix and got armlet, mojo, sny and bash. Played great and got great items!

The coup de grâce? In the lobby the next game (kinectic1 can you confirm if you ever read this post) Nubi admitted he knows how to play and just liked ruining on my team. Having Nubi just straight up admit he purposely ruined my games maybe was a lie to trigger me, but I don’t think so. When he went 0-11 as zeus, he was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, refusing to get normal items and stick with team. And then the very next game he’s a team playing as a helpful naix with normal items.

It was like at that moment I finally realized that there would never be a chance for me to get a clean game on ent. It was basically a self-fulfilling prophecy I had created for myself.

I had created so many enemies on here complaining, that the top players like astros, frank, ifcuk, will screw around and try novel heroes as a means to practice when on my team. They still would play well, but never take like a slark and just own, but im not saying they would ever ruin.
And the poor players like Nubi would just completely screw around and troll me as payback for complaining.

And even if I created a new name, eventually I would pick NA or jugg or omni and people would quickly discover it was me like mk4r32 did. I basically fucked myself over with my complaining.

Anyways, iCcup has slightly lower connections and surprisingly many players who suck. But since no one really speaks English, I at least know for 100% certainty no one is purposely trolling me like a few do here.

Sorry for flaming so much in game and ruining many people’s gaming experience. I am not 100% sure why I would get so mad when people played poorly on my team, at least at the start of my time here I know they couldn’t be doing it on purpose. Towards the end of my time here, I do know some people did it on purpose to get a rise out of me, and that is my own fault. I admit it.

I do miss the fast connections I was able to enjoy off ent, but I also know I have created an environment where no one will take my ban requests seriously and people will not give a crap when they see me as a teammate. And that’s my own doing.
I know no one really cares, but I was feeling nostalgic when I saw the ENT web address auto populate. And I did enjoy playing on here the few times I had a cool team and we all teamplayed and tped and pushed together.

I also really tried to improve my gameplay, and I hope some of you noticed towards the end of my time here I played better, even if my complaining never improved. I apologize for ruining anyone's games, I just couldn't help myself.

I agree that most people do not purposely ruin for me, but that my behavior has caused a few like Nubi to have fun trolling me. That was my own doing, and I have no idea why I get so mad playing Dota compared to other games or other aspects of life lol. I just get so mad when someone I know is a good player, did not play well on my team.

So, see ya guys around! If you're ever on iccup on rgc, I still use jazzy as my name if u see me.

Im out, dude.

You must find another worst player than you to blame.

Im not gonna sing EMINEM to you.

I like to sing Rihanna.

Shine bright like a diamond :D

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Bobalhao » Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:08 am

You are the next, i think.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Bobalhao » Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:23 am

Imma tell you one thing we all know:

ENT's DoTA bots only exists because of MAP VERSION. Wich is the fucking best one.

Jazzy, dude, i like the ones who hates me. You need stronger medicine.

Its not working!

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Tue Mar 11, 2025 5:16 pm


(03:42 / Allied) Smoke_Frog: hes calling me jazzy all day
(20:01 / Allied) Smoke_Frog: why u think im jazzy?

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby MR_Nimbuss » Tue Mar 11, 2025 7:15 pm

mk4r32 wrote:I SMELL JAZZY

(03:42 / Allied) Smoke_Frog: hes calling me jazzy all day
(20:01 / Allied) Smoke_Frog: why u think im jazzy?

Im 99.9 percent sure its jazzy.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby dumpster_ » Tue Mar 11, 2025 7:40 pm

Leave him the fuck alone if he isn't bothering anyone.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Tue Mar 11, 2025 11:08 pm

You are right but no need to call him out unless he's flaming tbh
just let the guy play the game

BTW Jazzy, they identify you by the heroes you play, e.g. Juggernaut + Huskar + NA sometimes Omni or Sand king, and the typical builds you go on that hero, no other regulars on ENT use that playstyle so it stands out a lot. If you really want to try to create a new reputation for yourself with a new acc that no one knows about, try a new group of heroes or go random a lot (and dont talk at all unless its gameplay communication).

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:00 am

nope, he'll be called out every time especially when he denies it and talks cute

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Astros » Thu Mar 13, 2025 4:47 am

EdteOfChaos2 wrote:You are right but no need to call him out unless he's flaming tbh
just let the guy play the game

BTW Jazzy, they identify you by the heroes you play, e.g. Juggernaut + Huskar + NA sometimes Omni or Sand king, and the typical builds you go on that hero, no other regulars on ENT use that playstyle so it stands out a lot. If you really want to try to create a new reputation for yourself with a new acc that no one knows about, try a new group of heroes or go random a lot (and dont talk at all unless its gameplay communication).

honestly didn't even know it was him because he never said anything which just proves that he can control himself.

It's 100x better when he doesn't rage and complain.

Unfortunately, he's left too much of a stain that it's tough for anyone to see him as anything else but the guy who complains about everything.
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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby Jazzy3113 » Fri Mar 14, 2025 12:40 am

EdteOfChaos2 wrote:You are right but no need to call him out unless he's flaming tbh
just let the guy play the game

BTW Jazzy, they identify you by the heroes you play, e.g. Juggernaut + Huskar + NA sometimes Omni or Sand king, and the typical builds you go on that hero, no other regulars on ENT use that playstyle so it stands out a lot. If you really want to try to create a new reputation for yourself with a new acc that no one knows about, try a new group of heroes or go random a lot (and dont talk at all unless its gameplay communication).

On my new name I was skipping picking NA. I have no idea how this douchebag caffery (who is the worst fucking pudge ive ever seen) keeps knowing its me.

I would start getting armlet on husk because everyone else did, even though i felt that item was cheap. On jugg, I tried avoiding scepter. I really dont understand what I did wrong. But whatever, now my games have turned to shit since he told everyone my new name, when I came back after iccup was lagging. Would a vpn help with my lag issues? Or is it because iccup servers are in russia?

Ill just go back to playing under my name and raging when I have to play here to get my fix. So fucking annoying.

Fuck u caffery, you piece of shit. Honestly, the worst fucking pudge ive ever seen. You worthless loser.

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby mk4r32 » Fri Mar 14, 2025 1:24 am


************virtual hug********************

(38:40 / All) Jazzy3113: why get a gem
(38:43 / All) Jazzy3113: im the only invis
(38:57 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: jazzy
(38:59 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: slark is invis
(39:01 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: god you stupid
(39:11 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i just like annoying them
(39:12 / Allied) Jazzy3113: why u care
(39:13 / Allied) Jazzy3113: lol
(39:14 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: omg
(39:15 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: see
(39:19 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: tahts why no one likes you xD LOL
(39:23 / Allied) Jazzy3113: dude its ent
(39:24 / Allied) AdultSprinkles: there goes your answer
(39:26 / Allied) Jazzy3113: not real friends
(39:29 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i just like talking
(39:30 / Allied) Jazzy3113: lol

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Re: To prove I am not insane

Postby EdteOfChaos2 » Fri Mar 14, 2025 1:58 pm

I also knew because after clicking through a few of your games and checking chat, you said "usually he doesn't ruin" about someone on your team who wasn't doing well which is something only you say. And the heroes as I said. I do think you were playing Juggernaut/Huskar more frequently than NA, even on your main. Anyways -- just let him play imo, he's trying to be different lol

I didn't actually think of you aghs rushing on Jug, maybe I was mistaken about your typical build

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