The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby koblaster12345 » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:59 am

NutzSucksHard wrote:Yeap, all true there. So you see now how usefull is !ignore command! I'm happy that you realise how much people play better and try harder when you don,t call them NOOB all day. AHAH

What I meant was if you can't see other player's trashtalk, you might think he's a decent player.
English is not my first language! Bear with the bad grammer I have.

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby NutzSucksHard » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:23 am

Oh.. Different. :)

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby llcalimjll » Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:00 am

Trash talking is also a part of the game.
If trash talking bothers you... welll sucks for you

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby NutzSucksHard » Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:53 am

When it come to insulting mother of the others... It's immaturity, nothing else. Telling other he's noob - it is provocation. Telling that his mother is a !$%@$ and a !%#?$5 and that he must be a @%?#% to live and that this is just @%?@% all day... It's kinda out of context... Like I said, it's a pub game, not a competition where you might win a prize... I know you can be pissed for a death or something in a competition... But when you join for fun - pub - just to pass the time and that someone come and shit talk... Man, you don't know a shit about the person you're talking.. Maybe you'll insult his mom and she just died one weeks ago and the kid is only 14 years old, he came to play dota to change his mind and someone shoot this at him?.. You think it's bright? How he'll feel? Where goes our planet if we start 'playing' like that?... Where do you think the racist came from? People telling it's part of the 'life'... Well sucks for you. (changed game for life)

There's no reason to blatanly trashtalk. Flaming is a bit is acceptable. TrashTalk/Insulting/Excessive Falming is something else. There's a reason why !ignore command been implemented and rules exist.

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby koblaster12345 » Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:51 am

AGAIN Well said, Nutz
English is not my first language! Bear with the bad grammer I have.

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby Yondaime » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:56 am

Trash talking is only up to a certain point to where it just becomes annoying and a hindrance to all the players in game.

Get teamspeak and rage on there! That way you do not get banned for flaming!

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby soshka » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:32 am

Yondaime wrote:Trash talking is only up to a certain point to where it just becomes annoying and a hindrance to all the players in game.

Get teamspeak and rage on there! That way you do not get banned for flaming!

You dont get banned for flame here. On dota-league it was totally prohibited.
I see people flame in every game and dont get banned because it is not excessive etc.
I totally dont trashtalk and I dont flame and that is just like if you are playing in a band or in ping pong (not all sports).

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Re: The Reason Why DotA Players Trashtalk

Postby urogard » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:42 pm

koblaster12345 wrote:I actually use !ignore a lot nowadays. Without the trashtalk, some players seem to play decently. If you did not !ignore the flamer, you might find them not worth of your trust (if teammate) or you might just lose your own cool and attempt to rambo him all the time (if opponent)

I find psychological warfare quite useful, works nicely sometimes though it's hard for me to actually do any good measurements of its efficiency

However for that same reason I use the ignore command almost every game, increases your focus if you don't have pay attention to spam like some feeder calling for suicidal pushes and whatnot
In the past I noticed often I wrote replies to people and didn't control my hero for a few secs, sometimes it meant farming less gold sometimes it meant dying

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