[DOTA] 'Bankof.' and 'red-razor' u.s. east I believe

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[DOTA] 'Bankof.' and 'red-razor' u.s. east I believe

Postby 4-More-Fears » Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:26 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Genesius

Violator's Warcraft III username: Bankof. and Red-Razor

Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #78

Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=1744528

Rule player violated: Do not flame. Don't rage or insult other players excessively. and Abusing votekick: using !votekick to spam or when the victim has not done anything wrong; also refusing to votekick when a player has clearly violated a rule (note: it is possible for a player to ruin the game by both being new _and_ refusing to learn; in this case votekick may be used, but it is up to the players in the game to decide)

Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): at 4:50 red-razor calling someone a faggot, 8:30 Bankof. insults Genesius, 11:15 red-razor insults Genesius, 12:50 Bankof calls Genesius noob and literally continues whole game (example 20:00, 20:30, 21:05, 23:00, 23:20, 24:20 and so on), FINALLY Bankof. abuses !votekick command by attempting to votekick Genesius for no reason @ 25:58.

Any further thoughts: Nope
oj and teal.w3g
please see replay
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Re: [DOTA] 'Bankof.' and 'red-razor' u.s. east I believe

Postby Palsgraf » Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:37 pm

Yes, this is excessive flaming. Since you were on the same team as these two players, you should not have to resort to the !ignore command. Note that if you were on the opposite team, this would not be an appropriate ban request.

With that in mind, I have seen FAR worse flaming in game transcripts. Considering the relative mildness of this flaming, both users are only banned for 1 day.

As for the votekick abuse, Bankof. only tried to votekick you once and no one voted for it. While that is technically abuse, it is not enough to warrant a ban.

Request granted in part and denied in part.
Must go faster.

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