Medicca wrote:I felt like I had stuff to add
1) Farming and Denying: Here you truly have what seperates the pros from the noobs. A beginner will typically go for the kill, and try to harass instead of farm and deny.Unless you're a support, then harass and deny all you want Also, please stack neutral camps. I've checked over most of my games now, and what I see is shit cs and 0 denies from both teams. Last hitting is important, in the laning phase, it is without a doubt the most important thing you can do to give yourself an advantage. Look at how much dmg your hero does to the creeps, activate the health bar in options, and start last hitting your way to victory. Unless you're support
Deny your enemy exp whenever you can. If you're lvl 7 without at least 15 denies, you failed your lane in my eyes.
The advantages should be clear: You achieve a new level faster than your adversories in the same lane, you deny them gold, and you annoy them Learn to last hit and deny, and you will see your games becoming much easier.
2) Map awareness: Getting ganked alot? Flaming your team for not calling a miss?
This is EXACTLY what you have the minimap for. Regard it was your rearview mirror in a car. It should be used every 5 seconds. Glance at it fast, make sure that everything is as it should be, then go back to whatever you were doing.
Winning your lane? check the other lanes and see if there's an opening for you to gank them. If possible, give the kills to your allies so that they may win their lanes as well. Take the kill if you're the carry. Supports don't need kills.
Use wards. Always, always, always! It costs 150g, gives you great vision for 3min.Actually it's 6 minutes. Or to put it into another perspective, it denies your enemies 260-520g from ganking your ass, and costs 3.4 creeps. Let the supports by them. Carries have better things to do with their gold.
3) Don't be greedy! Just don't do it.. It's not worth chasing him to their fountain, it's not worth trying to get the kill when you're only 30% hp. In LoL, this isn't an issue, which is why I suppose so many clowns manage to get further than they should in the ranking system they have. However, this is DotA, you die, you get punished. Not only are you dead for what sometimes seems like an eternity, but you lose a lot of gold.Unless the gold is reliable! Play safe, get 3 allies to join you in killing that fucker instead, and you'll be stomping down pubs in no time. More allies = more team gold
haha :p
Thanks for adding and great input! Thumbs up all the way for you bro