Ban Appeal

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Aura Tree
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Ban Appeal

Postby slickback_ » Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:52 pm

Warcraft III username:BloodyJudge/ reddawn
Situation: i was in game towards the end of it on my new account reddawn. While none the less on the winning team i had no intentions of leaving the game, for i was winning. My Warcraft program had a fatal error message pop up and said click OK to terminate the program. OK was the only button to click. i could not click or do anything else. thus i click OK which in return exited me out of my game that i was winning in.
Why you should be unbanned: please read above and advise i don't think i should be banned, its been 1 day now as is, and it was an out of control event.

Aura Tree
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:03 pm

Re: Ban Appeal

Postby slickback_ » Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:16 pm

moderators please read this, on my main account im at 95 percent stay percentage of over 200 plus games of dota on this account alone, and not including over thousands of games played on ent. Please read this

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby teller55 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:09 am

Say rate is now down to nearly 90%, but I'll approve this this time. Try to keep your stay rate up!

Critical Errors usually are from you having non-Blizzard files in your Warcraft III folder (map hacks, fog click detectors, dll injectors, random files, etc.) or from an error in the map itself. Being it's DotA, my guess is it isn't an issue with the map itself. Try removing all non-Blizzard files (files that didn't come with your initial install) from your Warcraft III folder.

If there is still an issue with you critical erroring, completely uninstall Warcraft III and reinstall. This should fix any issue that you have with the game. (If after this you are still getting critical errors, it is within the map itself. If this is the case, send your error logs (found in the Warcraft III folder) to Icefrog/DotA development team to see if it helps them find the issue.)

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