Re-re-re visit game ruining and intentional feed rules

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Re: Re-re-re visit game ruining and intentional feed rules

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:22 pm

I read the entire thing... Maybe it would help if we both give a tl;dr version of our arguments?
As for the votekick thing (purpose of the mechanic), well I respect and understand your point about "that's the way it is on ENT", but we'll just have to agree to disagree there. As I explained, I don't think it exists only to kick rulebreakers; you can rightfully claim that regardless of what CAN be done with it, here on ENT it's ONLY used for that purpose, but that's a decision that was made by ENT, not by the votekicking mechanic itself.

True, but votekick is just a tool, just as all the other commands are, and it's uakf's and ENT's choice to decide how those tools are supposed to be used. For example, we don't allow the use of !end command, even though that the !end command was created with the purpose of ending games.
I didn't read the whole thread and I doubt anyone will.
Just want to say that the whole not-kicking-noobs thing can really hurt some maps.

In civilization wars where the gap between a noob and a good player is HUGE, 1 noob will often cause a whole lobby to leave. It is hard to come up with a median but I can see exactly where the OP is coming from.

However I think there already is a median here, which is this:
note: it is possible for a player to ruin the game by both being new _and_ refusing to learn; in this case votekick may be used, but it is up to the players in the game to decide

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Re: Re-re-re visit game ruining and intentional feed rules

Postby Yondaime » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:33 am

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