People still playing Warcraft III

General discussion about Warcraft III and Enterprise.
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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Burn » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:19 am

NutzSucksHard wrote:Give me the map of dota. I don't do a TD with it... I'm sorry but you can have an editor in anything, that's not what I've meant. But for what ? For me it is a waste of time on such game. If you want to make a game, make it... Write the line and code. Create the models etc. Don't bother other to make an editor for you... People want to much something right in their hand all made. That's my opinion. wc3 will live only for one reason : fan from the past. Nothing else.
Just confirming, you are aware that WC3DotA is based on the WC3 engine right? Based on the Wc3 meelee/campaign units, and the models were all copied, or merely modded. There are other famous games like DayZ made from the Arma2 FPS shooting game that is also incredibly popular, Island Defense even exists as a custom game on SC2.

It's actually FREE to just mess around with the world editor, and if pub players like the idea, then you can keep developing it until it is made into incredible like DotA.

Creating the models is one thing, you also have to design an entire game engine from scratch. That isn't an easy feat to do, let alone how hard it is for a big organisation to fund for you if you don't have the money. Custom games will forever be a part of basically every game with a decent game engine. Hell, even GTA:SA was made to be online, and got pretty popular too.


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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby healton » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:08 pm

Guys, u compare things that cannot be compared. Also u shuffled the terms.
Novadays, popularity of the game, number of players don't depend on it's greatness, like years ago. It depends on commercials, how much $ developers can earn on it. SC1 and WC3 are one of greatest games ever made in RTS genre (important notice about genre, there are many great games). SC1 was alive mostly because of koreans, and WC3 is still alive because of epic WorldEditor. But now blizzard now release SC2 in three parts. Same game in three parts! That's why they don't need good old games on hearing. Game industry can't create Mona Lisa and stop on this masterpiece, it have to feed hundreds of people who work on it.
There is also novelty of game matters. WC3 standard ladder game dead because it lose novelty, all strategies had worked out. People like to think about new ways to play, invent stuff. Btw, that's why i hate Dota2 - it's full of tips, guides, builds, item-orders for each hero. U can just read guide and do it, no need brain. Games are needed to learn (even animals know that), but not for instigate people to pay money for time killer. It's not so bad yet, but i see huge degradation, compared to ~5-10 years ago.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Burn » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:51 pm

Imho, commercials does change the player base, SC2's playerbase was magnified due to this. But DotA2 didn't advertise nearly as much, and has a much larger player base. It's just because it is a better game, so it is more popular.

WC3 standard ladder is dead because there are better RTS games like SC2, it's not because people worked it all out. It still takes years of practise to become the best.

Also, you can't get good at DotA2 just from reading guides, tips, builds and item-orders. Each skill build and item build is situational.


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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Fangorn » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:36 am

Good topic
WC3 hasn't fallen apart yet, but it's a matter of time :)

Who plays WC3 these days?
There are mainly two groups of players; the "hardcore" oldschool players who have been on and off this game periodically since it came out, and the new players who got introduced to this game through a friend or a brother. The last group of players is where the increase of the total playerbase happens. And the boosting of this group is has slowly but surely been decreasing thelast 3-4-5-6 years (depending on whether you differ between the wc3 mods), and it is now decreasing rapidly.
There are too many "better" games, graphic and "Wow-I-can actually-see-the-muscle-fibres-of-this-guy-when-i-chop-him-up"-moments seems to be the new thing, sadly. Dota 2 was more or less the last nail in the coffin.
Of course, one might say that WC3 will never die, and maybe you're right. But the way I see it, I imagine in the end, you would only be able to fill up games if you call your buddies and ask for them to join the hosted game, or else it wouldn't fill. I imagine Legion TD and maybe the dota-spinoff lod are the two games left standing, and maybe the dota easymode games :lol:

What makes the situation worse is that alot of players makes new accounts all the time. To build, and keep a community alive, you need active, and regular players. Making new accounts for the sake of "elosnipe" is not only severely defensive-minded, but it creates a bad gaming atmosphere. And let's not forget the lack of active ingame admins on this bot, letting gameruiners flourish and blossom.

It would be possible to limit the loss of players, but not in ENT's current state.
The staff seems to fear that will lose even more players, therefore letting gameruiners getting away easy. I mean, everyone knows that reporting gameruiners is totally useless, and utterly a waste of time. They get max 3 day ban. This system will work as a vicious spiral, eventually spiralling into it's doom.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby CumInMyAssPlz » Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:06 pm

Nice posts (especially last from Fangorn)

Well spoken and good thoughts

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby I-N-S-A-N-E » Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:34 am

Agreed. Lots of good comments here, I think Fangorn really hit the nail on the head with his last post. I can only speak for DotA since that's all I've ever played on wc3, but I think it will survive at least a few more years and ultimately die because of a failure to increase new players, ones I think would normally be on board despite other alternatives like DotA 2 if they were getting the same game experience us vets got long ago. Other factors are certainly contributing, but in a sense, DotA just isn't as fun as it used to be.
The way I see it, what is driving away players is the game experience itself is not lending itself to growth like it used to. Balance is the name of the game, no matter what you are dealing with. Balanced heroes, balanced items, balanced teams, etc. The more you have, the more rewarding the gaming experience, because your wins are more often based on your own creativity and execution.
I've been playing DotA for about 8-9 years now (moslty LoD the last few) and before it sounds I'm taking a shot at ENT here let me say this, after being on this bot for a year now it is easily the best DotA experience I've had. Their dota admins do not abuse their power and treat the pros and noobs evenly when they break rules. I do wish there were more of them present though because like Fangorn said their lack of presence does kind of allow for more game ruiners to run amok.
Still, the problem lies in us, the gamers (myself included), who have placed too much value in a relatively arbitrary number or ratio that says how good we are. I happen to believe the ELO system, though certainly not perfect, would actually work quite well without smurfers and disconnects factoring into it and is decent even with those. However, in the pursuit of validating our own abilities by racking up stats and ELO, we lost some of the best parts of DotA with it as well as opponents to play it against.
I know you old-schoolers remember your earlier clan days even before GHost bots came about when you didn't need stats to tell who the best players were anyways. But it didn't even matter, it was (and for me still is) all about who the best player/team is in this game, not any that came before or after. We've lost the will to even play an amazingly epic 80-100 minute game and enjoy it, because we're all too worried how this game affects an even bigger picture. Perhaps I'm not remembering it correctly, but it seems that it used to be more about the journey than destination.
Maybe this is just the wave of the future that will be present in DotA 2 (barely played it, not sure) or any other alternative, but I just think that this is what ultimately drives new players away from the game. They are immediately recognized as being bad players and good players avoid them like the plague (myself included again). Stacking is inevitable when people's stats are on display, which is why I'm actually in favor of the radical idea of either hiding/disabling them or making autobalance the standard. In a perfect world without smurfs or disconnects autobalance would actually be awesome, but that's beside the point.
I can only speak for DotA here, but this is exactly what killed previous bots I played on. I hate to do it, because I like to win, but you just can't sh*t on the new players and drive them away. You must accept them and try to bring them along. If you don't continue to grow the community then it will die a slow death as players move on, and once the games fill too slowly its a wrap. I commend ENT for not allowing !votekick of new players who will at least listen to reason and advice. It sucks when you lose a game because of them (something none of us cared too much about before stats), but it helps sustain you as a community in the long run.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby CumInMyAssPlz » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:59 pm

Another great post.

I agree with nearly everything you say.

However I am adamant in my belief that being too soft and easy on people is a negative factor which overall contributes negatively to ENT as a whole, rather than positively.

I recently "got into this" in an old thread which I necro'd back to life after being recommended to take a look at it and comment if desired.

In this thread it was pointed out to me that for all my huffing and puffing about "cmon how many really new players are there?? can't be very many", this person himself stated to have only somewhat recently began playing DotA and/or wc3. It was a surprise to find that I was arguing about parity of new players (not to be confused with "nubs" who just suck) with a person who was indeed a "new"(er) player himself! This did make me take stock of my opinion and I was forced to re-assess the player environment. I do now admit that, as he argued, there likely are more truly "newb" players than I so easily assumed, and in all honesty there really is a chance that this guy running around 100% clueless maybe just is 100% clueless and can't understand enough English to be very receptive to attempts to help him (this part I'm even less inclined to believe than the "new player" part, but it's true that it DOES happen).

Unfortunately, this doesn't really change my opinion of the overall situation. While it's true that I may have too-quickly written off the possibility that a lot of players honestly are "new", I still think that being too lenient with rules governing their "rights", or rather, being too harsh with rules governing the behavior of everyone else.

What do I mean by this? I mean that when rules are catered more favorably to giving people the benefit of doubt, and even go so far as to offering protection to their supposed enjoyment, this comes at the cost of everyone else's enjoyment in general and their enjoyment to play in this environment.

It may be true that the nub feeder who ignores all communication and doesn't even make an attempt to ask, improve, help, seek ingame advice from may be true that this poor guy is just honestly looking for a fun place to play and is trying his best to figure out the game at his own pace. And frankly, when everyone is yelling at you in a language(s) you don't understand, and there's a large amount of vitriol/anger/hate being tossed around, I can't blame someone for just thinking "fuck it" and doodling away while they die to neuts or something.

So I am not DISinclined to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. However what I *am* disinclined to do is continue giving them that benefit (bit of pun there but yes it truly is a benefit, a gift, a favor you provide) when it quickly proves to be detrimental to everyone in the game (and to the community as a whole).

There is simply just no excuse beyond a very very basic plausible deniability here. If you really are a new player and you come to these bots to play a game you don't understand--that's fine. But if you make no attempt ingame (or on forums even for that matter--hell, registering and seeking guidance is the least you could do when you play on a bot someone else is hosting out of their own goodwill and has forums implemented to provide this assistance) to improve, or learn, if you make no attempt at communication, if you are ruining the game, then in my mind there is a very clear-cut line to be crossed.

I'll even allow that--

1--okay, maybe it's not their RESPONSIBILITY to ONLY play on bots/games/rooms which cater to their nationality/language, so maybe it's okay if they come here COMPLETELY lacking the ability to communicate. That really does suck but I guess , shrug whatever.......but they should be held responsible at least a LITTLE BIT for failing to make ANY attempt....and when you have these supposed players who don't talk at all because they "can't understand" and then they suddenly demonstrate an obvious awareness of the language...obviously it was bullshit from the start

2--okay, maybe it's not their RESPONSIBILITY to make attempts on THEIR OWN time and out of their OWN goodwill/effort, to understand basics of the game, to understand the most simple "DO/DO NOT" rules, to understand the implications of joining a TEAM, COMPETITIVE game fucking over their own team....but they should be held responsible at least a LITTLE BIT for failing to make ANY attempt

3--okay, maybe it's not their RESPONSIBILITY to treat everyone ELSE with respect and put forth their BEST EFFORT at NOT taking a shit on the game itself and in particular their teammates........but they should be held responsible at least a LITTLE BIT for failing to make ANY attempt

But honestly these things are NOT that hard to do, and clearly anyone with a MODICUM of intelligence can EASILY learn the basic concepts of really ANY wc3 custom map, regardless how complex and difficult and time-consuming it can be to BECOME DECENT AT, let alone MASTER. I'm not saying you have to spend hours and hours browsing hero guides and watching malaysian youtube videos and learning a million different things.

What I'm saying is you must at the very LEAST understand the BASICS of the game. If it's DotA, this means that each time you die, you're improving the power of the other team in some way; if you don't play as a team with your own team, then you're screwing them over; if you ignore all communication then you're screwing them over. In short, if you're feeding and it's past a couple kills, and you're not lifting a FINGER to improve it, then you're KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY fucking the whole game up. If you die to neuts not just once but 5x in a row, wtf? If you run up over and over to mid lane and get ganked by heroes double your level, wtf? If you are just running around randomly looking at pretty colors while your team is TRYING, then wtf? And most importantly, if you're NOT responding or communicating AT ALL while your team attempts to somehow communicate, then wtf?

So back to my 3 little things:

It's at the very least your RESPONSIBILITY to make an EFFORT at reducing the amount of BULLSHIT which you FORCE everyone else to go through when you feed and/or throw a game.

I don't like ENT rules concerning the activities of such players.

I found playing with nub after nub feeding and ruining a game, with NO recourse, to be really shitty.

I found that other environments which ALLOW people ingame to deal with a feeding useless nub (clueless or not) as THEY choose....well, it's simply more enjoyable and less of a waste of my time.

The bottom line is that by attempting to welcome in "new" players and theoretically improve your playerbase and your community, you're in fact alienating some players who simply don't have the patience or time to deal with all the bullshit which comes along with lacking the ability to deal with game-ruining feeders.

I understand that it's ALL give-and-take to some extent when you talk about keeping vs. losing players, but I just fail to understand, and can't agree, with the apparent guiding philosphy here which seems to be: attract terrible players and rulebreakers, and make it hard as fuck for everyone to deal with them.

Shrug, .02$ deposited.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Fangorn » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:11 pm

Sensible posts with good arguments, very good.

This is just another sad example of the "goodness" of ENT:
The one who refused to votekick a gameruiner got only 2 DAYS. What a big joke.
This is how it should be: The intentional gameruiner gets two weeks. The one who refused to votekick, as mentioned in the linked topic, gets the same punishment. They have the chance to apply for an unban on the forums.
Instead, the system here undermines the forum, they are doing the gameruiners a favor. The point with bans is that it's supposed to be a punishment. 2 days ain't a punishment, when they get autounbanned. Two weeks is a punishment, yet fair; they can apply for unban on the forums

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby I-N-S-A-N-E » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:23 am

Despite the fact that I do report game ruiners on here, I never really learned what the standard punishments were for anything, besides 1 year for maphacking. I'll agree 2 days isn't much of a punishment for any offense, and could deter me from taking the 10 minutes of my time to submit the ban in the first place if I thought that's all they'd get. But I suppose we would all differ a bit on how much time we'd ban for certain offenses. In the example you linked to, I'd personally do anywhere from 1-2 week ban on the first offense.
However, hopefully the punishments are scaling for # of offenses though and there's some sort of 3 strikes and your out policy (2nd off=3wk, 3rd off=1yr?). I have little patience for actual intentional game ruining and believe that those that do it will continue to do it regardless of the punishment and are better off playing somewhere else.
As for the new players though, there needs to be more of an attempt to keep them around and keep growing the community, if not here on ENT then at least somewhere in the dota community. As the original poster and most commenters on here have eluded to, the entire wc3 community appears to be on borrowed time (smells like a pun) which is to be expected since its so old at this point. Now more than ever we are in need of players and if we just keep kicking them then it won't be long before the game lobbies are ghost towns. Think of it this way, the ocean is shrinking and we can't just poach away in what is now a more delicate ecosystem. Popular bots like ENT have to be noob-friendly because there are so few new players to wc3 these days or else the whole thing will come crashing down fast. Once again, I know it sucks to play with these players, and can drastically diminish the quality of a particular game having them on either team. But IF they are genuinely interested in learning to play the game better then you're only doing yourself and everyone else a disservice in the long run by not helping them along.
I really wish we had enough players to fill high ranking games so some of us could avoid this all together, and perhaps we may even have enough at the moment, but for whatever reason these never seem to fill. I have to imagine it's because people really only care strongly about bad players when it affects them negatively or they know that this would be a risky way to improve their stats? I seriously have no idea though and am surprised they don't fill (-hr autobal would be fun times right?). In theory we are all frustrated with bad players but unwilling to join games that don't include them.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby obloquy » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:05 pm

This is the same argument I just got into with a very intelligent and respectable admin @ Chev (ton of respect for the guy)

I hear it but I think it's really the other way around.

Old games die from lack of new players, true. But unfortunately there is simply no realistic "cure" for this--it's just the way things work. The old players who keep it alive are the same ones who will eventually allow it to die once they finally give up on it. It's a war of attrition and no amount of friendly overtures and "acceptance" of new players will turn the tide. It's the stalwart old vets who still kick around who are the final governors of a game's (or clan's or host's) life expectancy.

Fixating on new players as being in any way consequential, let alone necessary for survival is a fallacy. The numbers simply don't add up, because they can't--it's literally like playing the lotto in the hopes of finding a diamond in the rough. Hoping for, out of 1000 "new" players, 1 valuable "convert", a useful commodity for the host, a serious player who has come to enjoy the game and the community and was worth everyone else's collective grief and frustration to "put up with" until he "matured"--it's a shot in the dark, a futile grasp.

I'd challenge anyone to provide an example of a single player (let alone multiples) who literally was brand-spankin-new, fresh off the boat, who had never played wc3 before, who tried it and liked it, who stomached the painful "initiation phase" in which he was treated like shit and spent countless hours sucking ass before he figured it out, and came out of the fire reborn as a valuable addition to the clan/host/bot/game at large. I'm not saying it's beyond the realm of possibility, but I'm firmly convinced that it simply just. doesn't. happen. much. And if/when it has happened, how many ruined games, pissed off players, how many other dozens of failure "new" players who fucked around in a few games and got fed up and left--how many of those are left behind in this wake of aggravation which was all in the hope of obtaining this one cool new player who somehow is going to tilt the balance.

The last time I argued this with Edge, I did understand his point, but other than his personal example, I haven't heard or seen one single player across Chev/Ent/more who is literally a "new" player and sucked it up in a bunch of games and then evolved into something useful and valuable such as the rest of us old fucks who still sit around debating this dying failing game. No offense to him but I think his example is also hard to apply in the current state of affairs because he was "new" three years ago. That is a LONG time ago and the world of wc3 has SERIOUSLY evolved (read: deteriorated) since then.

Now maybe there are more like him who have similar stories and ended up becoming great moderators/supporters/players/whatever, who the host is lucky to have attracted and kept as a valuable resource. When you look at a player like this it's easy to think "well we'd sure be kicking ourselves if we had been asshole elitists and treated him like shit and he never came here"....but again, compare the cost:benefit of 1 player like this vs. all the aggravated, frustrated, and disappointed "old vets" who had shitty games and were forced to "deal with it".

Again, it's a war of attrition as we all know, but there needs to be more focus on keeping the majority happy--the meat and water, the lifeblood. The people who have still been playing nonstop for years, the people who used to play but quit and came back (and they might suck but they won't be suiciding over and over because they fail to grasp the game mechanics).

There needs to be a serious re-measuring of who is more important than whom, because continually catering to theoretical and largely-nonexistent "new" players comes at a price. This price, this cost, may not be immediately evident, but I argue that in the long run it will be, and I'm saying this from experience and out of a motivation for improvement, not just to argue or act like I'm hot shit. The new player defender argues that in the long run, it will pay off, that it's short-sighted to discount their worth, that it's necessary to attract and appease them for the sake of the game (when I say this I don't mean you INSANE--just in general--like I said I've had this argument on 2 different forums recently). But I claim the opposite--in the long run, it's the disgruntled and disappointed "old" players who will be dearly missed.

Every year more new games come out to attract attention and literally "steal" old players from old games. Every year the same old game gets older and less fun and less worth playing. As we all know this contributes to a steadily declining flow of new players, but at the same time it means there's an ever-declining attraction for old players to continue playing the old game. Once each person has "had enough" (at whatever their tolerance level may be) then they're done. Sure, they may randomly "come back" after a hiatus--or possibly even return "for good" (but again these aren't "new" players), but for the most part they've put that behind them and you can basically cross that name off the list and add +1 attrition point to Game Dying.

Old players must be properly and keenly manipulated and that carrot must be continually dangling and refreshed to retain their interest in a game that's only getting older with each passing day.

I'm not saying that all this attention and desperate sacrifice for new players is immediately or even "recognizably" translating into old players leaving, but you have to keep picturing this complex set of variables which dictates how "worth playing" you find the game. Eventually the old players start to discover that they're sacrificing their time and enjoyment for the sake of ephemeral and largely theoretical "new" players, and like a bad investment, the returns simply aren't there. The main thing keeping people playing on a given bot/host/clan is personal investment and return--you feel like you are known, you're comfortable, you have stats which mark your progress, you have friends, you have a good time, you want to keep enjoying it while it lasts. But it's not difficult for the tide to be turned and eventually if you realize that you're playing a dying game with no fresh blood and stats don't mean shit and game after game is ruined by foolish antics, it's easy to turn the corner and say "fuck it" because look how many other, newer, better options are out there to sink your time into.

This got way too long but anyway, the point is that the game is dying and you can't do shit about it, new players are dying and you can't do shit about it, what you can do shit about is managing the experience of the players you DO have, and try to cater to them as best you can because once they're gone, they're probably gone for good, and they're irreplaceable. A new player might serve adequately to replace an old one if the super-rare conditions are met (i.e. the new player turns out to be "in for the long haul") but the ever-decreasing amount of these means that you're fighting, struggling, in a losing uphill battle to get more and more new players in the hopes of 1 working out, while those old scarred-up war vets finally throw in the towel.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby I-N-S-A-N-E » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:04 am

Well said obloquy, I dare say you have converted me with your argument. If wc3 is truly dying and we can't stop it (a reasonable assumption based on what I'm hearing in this thread), then the best course of action moving forward would be to cater completely to the die-hards while they are still around.
So, that being said, perhaps we should channel the spirit of this intelligent debate into a new thread and suggest possible reforms to keep the ENT community going strong. As I mentioned previously, I don't know the admins on here. Yet I have to imagine they would be open to making some changes if they were proposed for the right reasons and discussed in the civil manner that this thread were? I like the idea of stricter ban policies but aside from that, my only real gripe with the way they do things here is the lack of admin presence in games.
I just don't want DotA to end goddammit! Then I'll have to learn a new game! F*ck... that...

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby obloquy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:21 am

Well, look, regardless of what I say or think, we can all agree that they (ENT) have done a pretty damn good job so far. I don't mean to say "you guys are doing it wrong!"

But thanks for the surprisingly positive response. It does please me to know that someone actually reads all the shit I type up and maybe even looks at things in a different way because of it. That's a huge compliment...I'm actually kind of stunned to be honest. But who knows--maybe I'm wrong anyway. Only time will tell.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Fangorn » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:03 am

I have made suggestions on this matter, that more active admins ingame are needed. There are really no admins playing on the bot I'm playing on for instance, being the ap euro bot. Seldomly, in 1 of 200-300 games, there might be a admin smurfer. To this day, I still haven't recieved an explanation on this. Admins needs to stick to one nickname for the sake of pro-activeness. The only explanation I have recieved from agreements with his many smurfaccounts is simply "everyone else does it, so stop caring". This leads to the second issue.

As for the current situation;
- there are no active ingame admins
- If you report a game, you shouldn't expect the report to be handled too soon, on avg. 4-6 days
- The current admins of dota consists of of one great ruler, being agreements, and - seemingly - a bunch of underage boys.
- If you type anything that might "hurt" the reputation of ent, your post will be deleted, and you might even recieve threats of forumbans. This is personally experenced by myself. I was wrongly banned for maphack while stomping the team of an admin, which was agreements. The ban was kept for a week, because agreements refused to unban. He basically uttered that "this is not my problem, let someone else handle it". Still to this day, this shitty admin hasn't taking any self-criticism. And during the one week period, I was threatened by one of the boyscouts for a forumban. Only because I had stated my opinion. I mean, ent seems like a nice place when you're new, but the problem is the leadership, both of ent, and the dota-section.

I have made suggestions on the suggestion section about adding more admins. The reply was that "there aren't needed any more admins"......:D And who was it that uttered these superb words? Oh, you guessed right!

I suggest you guys look through the suggestion section. There you will find that ent does not welcome changes for the better, they are pleased with the status quo. There are so much potentional, there is so much to change, but there is no will.
The only reason to still play games here is nostalgia :)

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Yondaime » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:05 am

If more people applied and those who seem required then that is fine. As for your mhing ban, its over I unbanned you. As for your suggestion please link as I do not see it.

Too anyone reading this, we always welcome more staff, but we want you active on the forums too not just in-game.

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Re: People still playing Warcraft III

Postby Fangorn » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:12 am

No, you are still trying to seem like the matter is over. It ain't. There is a attitude-issue. The ban stayed for a week, and I wasn't unbanned, even though the proofs were more than overwhelming that I was banned due to admin-rage. As for the suggestion, I won't even bother to link it, but feel free to search for "more active ingame admins" in the suggestion section.

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